Monday, April 28, 2008

Brazilian Keratin Treatment Columbus, Oh

Shoot the fish! shoot! Simulating

panther Ha ha ha I love you for real.


That said, let the news pornographic

James has towed a girl (hopefully it's a woman).

But, describes the scene: I'm stepping through the door that serves as entrance to the corrdoio giving both gyms Okay sti cocks ..

Livio Antonio and stop me and say that James has made a splash on one, I immediately think "hurray!" I look further, and in fact the cake is going to give your phone number to one of two girls, fuck, I take the mania for fooling around, I act.

the Vo, James hug and pretend to be my boy, 2 are tizie na do so, and I keep repeating "tense, which is to give je er de telephone number to these, eh, eh eh eh, eh?"

Jacob is half-seriously, those same, a laugh and a half away from the ball. In the classroom, nothing but gossip and "between you did not understand," the professor of religion (religion cristocattolica, you got it) that makes me 'you are one who tries with all "who the fuck are 5 years so I am told, Cosima but not because no one understands me?, mene fotto.All 'now come out of the rubble on mental blowjobs Schopenhauer, I make a request to the existential philosopher Professor:; "I infer from this question that you got good Schopenhauer ..." ( boooohhh, it was just a question)

Then I learned that there are only 4 weeks at the end of the school (for the people by rpimo the fourth year), you know what that means? is tragic, I assure veil. In addition

stop, the bus do I fill barrel Pauline (the human column), Tonino (plug human) and John (Anna Tatangelo, so call it), it is quite exhausting.

I laugh a little and marta martina (laugh, I make people laugh, I)

bus.C then I get on 'is a gripping sun.

Well, once in Neptune, down to the station, and intrigues going on, at home.

By the way, if you read the first and last name of Thomas Eliot on the contrary is toilE.T (James).

Nietzche is alive, along with Jim Morrison (James) are classmates.

Goodbye, Francescooh.


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