Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Greetings Speech Samples


So tomorrow is May 1st, and there is a concert in Rome, capital of the new note centrolaziale Padania.
Then, let alone to the concert because there are banners in praise of a alleged communism, let alone why Licio Gelli was one of those jerks who made the decision to run dark, let alone why people snubbing the priomo of May, let alone everything. (never mind that tomorrow is also dedicated to 1968) ( back to dark, to say nothing of P2, the CIA, KGB and Sismi ..) Anyway
tomorrow fly to rome hours 9-9.30 (I arrive at 9 and 43) we can see the track 10. There
greets John, who will know tomorrow everyone. (Giovanni and Anna Tatangelo)

Hello everyone good and bad. Francescooh (let me SAPE)


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