Saturday, May 31, 2008

Best Of Stomach Sitting

-6 (drown the memory in the memories of the first year of Liceo artistico)

Well now there is not much to say, I just know that beauty comes at the end, perhaps.
In the first year I was a hyperactive little boy back from the eighth grade, lived between chaos and chaos.
I remember that when you start high school, I was never stopped, I was not ever shut up, no study is the first vote of conduct of the first semester of the first year was 6.
remember that the first time I saw Marika Pavani enamored mene (I have to write), indeed, indeed I did. Elena
remember that the coach asked me to put together, but I like a good kid, I pretended to music with headphones ascolatre well plugged into your ears and look contunuai Gadhai or Fadhaidi or Gaddafi or how the fuck it was called the friend who named his worst could not put it to him. Elisa
remember! Yeah, about me always wanted to kiss, or was I always wanting to kiss, well is the fact that once, I took over a classroom of disciplines plastic table (when we had the prof.Ciccarelli) and began to sl kiss her neck, so to bad luck would have it within that cazzeggiare.La burino Di Cicco, and I drove out of the classroom screaming while Elisa put a note on the register. I remember the trio
doganellese: Deborah, Elisa and Simona Calvano.Poi their friendship has gone to hell the other years, even if Elisa had already withdrawn from a pezzo.Con Simona I've always laughed and recalled the golden moments in the past school, with Debora I've always argued, perhaps because she is too prepervenuta on any one thing and I told him I know.
remember that James was really bad, Mammamia, with the foremen in fractured giant hedge model, glasses and pimples, a brain of an idiot who pissed in continuous lines.
remember Anthony, who also pissing jokes, but they never did laugh, because no one is comprised of bar itself is the language used (a kind of sciaquone speaking).
remember Francesco Guccione (the first vlta who said "I come from Aprilia" we all understood each other "I come daaPuglia" bah), which first began with Giorgia Marika Elena then then then then Marika Elena then another and then again with the world ... and if you try to tell him something he'll respond (still does) "yeah baby rok'n'roll" that was transformed (because of Evve fly) in "yeah baby vok'n'v'voll" pathetic when one remembers also his other sentence "is all a business" (even says it).
remember John, I saw him only rarely, long curly brown hair, pumped, mold Naples, he never spoke.
remember QUL fucking corridor through it in less than 5 seconds as I ran, dodging old rappusi founders of the school, so remember to cite a few names and places such as "Spoke" (a midget with dreadlocks, is still alive I saw him 4 or 5 weeks ago out of high school, amazing when you consider that I tell you all this when I attended the first year), or the mythical "Shok" who took my own bus, and it was nice, and then "Speed", an emeritus idiot who still lives! ie they are at least 9 years who lives near the High School! absurd!.
I remember many things, I remember Angela! First day of school that I know when I snubbed Vole sela and pulled (it was the third or second year) in front of other friends, what a great chick, how many things I would be told with it .. Viviana
remember, I remember Frank Priore call from me and James as "Jabba," was the same cock, takes the trick, he was, the galactic mafia.
remember that the first years were managed by Giliberti and Fauttilli, the head count for nothing.
remember much, that those beautiful moments, the first year flew away, flew those musty windows and rusty we areavano life until a few years ago.
First I met the majority of people still have such close friends, people of the Institute Sani (surveyor), the classic of the language ... and I was on the bus with Roseanne Silvia, Veronica, Elena and Deborah the Milanese.
The first girl that I was officially Rebecca, a 18 year old who was about to finish high school to fuck the guy who stopped to make out who? a guy down, stupid and ugly (and perpetually wearing a red hat), I, said I was nice and carino.Ci make out like two animals in the bathroom of disciplines plastic, a very dirty, you could really call "process." I went all the recreation and horny turgino back from a huge snog, enters the classroom and saw prof.Bianco (English ) that was explaining a something, I do not say anything. (very strange, since she was the "shot in the legs because you doveyte me to make you put 6"). Then I left after 2 month or so (as I was deficient, I to laugh) because I supported the thesis that I put the horns with the former (a twenty year old) especially when they met with the coach, who retired fool I was, thinking it was one of the girls high school chicks. (And was with me). Guccione
remember that we saw enter the bathroom saying "ouch understand the Olive ehh, well done .." Arianna
remember as a girl who was perpetually stuck at Sara Ceci, that misfortune.
prof.Nati remember that he still teaches, but not to us, as a man from heading down to Donald, James and I argued that it had a long metallic pea able to stretch and kill people, the idea came to us when I looked at the ass Violeta (Argentina really nice girl and I liked that at the time of a sudden, well even now I like it, not hide it more) and I said "oh Ja, tie, look at the Terminator, so certain that an ass you end eh "(I told him exactly like that, still remember it).
Well the first year was very exciting in Indeed, much in the past.
was very good at biology and I was 7 in math.
It ended the year with a phrase like "oh Ja (I always addressed to James, Antonia not to risk it on to him to say a joke that was neither understood nor did laugh at that), but you think about it when we finished everything eh, but we think? mammaia, ie in the fifth year goodbye .. "

Goodbye, goodbye all in the fifth year, all are lost as the leaves fall from the tree, a little here, a little there, pulled away by the wind tossed pushed by the flow ... the flow back.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Cubefield App For Ipod Touch ♥ Taemin

- 7

-Denique, quotienscumque petisti me, for me tibi obstiti, mitate rei publicae they coniunctam-

Already, the Republic is that you assalalisti publications and free, protected by thy God, sure of your success, pale cold calculator capable of anything, Giulio.
Giulio Andreotti fù undisputed leader Licio Gelli, Licio Gelli, believed by many (authoritative characters) as the head of the Lodge P2.Salvo Lima as a collaborator of Andreotti, 1972 already talked about the future Andreotti, Silvio Berlusconi, who tried to buy the newspaper "Republica".
But what are we talking about, the truth is there, the truth denounced Falcone, Borsellino denounced the report as Labor has reported an hour ago a guy who is from Palermo, the DC did massacres, because the DC Giulio Andreotti.La P2 is made massacres and crimes daunting task, because the P2 is Giulio Andreotti.La mafia did massacres and crimes carried out because it was Giulio Andreotti to give him this opportunity. But now
Andreotti "dixit" is past is past as the man who did justice to a gun, pass the time, is rooted even more in the habit, the habit of being supported by the routine that kept us all in all feel good in our peak and selfish world of cazzo.Ci tried to overthrow the habit, but many have failed already in this business.


forced task of philosophy today, today, another day near the end.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Acepromazine Dogs Expiration

-Tamen and non potes unum diem Carere-
True, I can not separate myself from you one day, you're a strawberry, always dress in red, red blinding fiery passion, that Mammamia eyes that look, how much beauty.
And I see you always walking in the damn monotonous and white corridor.
Perhaps today was a day davero anxious, a little bit for a while and Fabiola Jacob.
Tired and bored by the useless hours of painting, especially with Natilli, I wrap the dean and turns of phrase gaining an exit permit free from that gloomy prison absurd.
Livio's post on the 5 years of high school art is looking really am, honors and bows to Livio.
Well today I made of crap, I danced smooth with a pseudo prof.Giliberti the corridor (pathetic), I walked in the vertical (head down) for the corridor (pathetic), I have composed Jaocpo and telephone number of the principal to give him a fake fart as soon as he responded, but nothing, I shoved a black bag on his head.
Well, tomorrow the first and last task of philosophy of Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kant hatred.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Images Of Fingers Bitten Nails

-8 -9 and then? 25 YEARS OF

-Nam illud non-INTELLEGO
why Why have declined to take written tests in the last week before the end? Today
task of physics, the cloning in a fucking book under the counter, that is under the chair, flip through the pages to star.Spero well.
Worries worries, tomorrow Italian-English; m giàho alerted the Italian teacher who all'interrogaciòn Vieng tomorrow, because I have to take half the other chat program, inglese.Approposito of English, prof.muratore is 50 years old but has an ass speaking.
Too bad he's everything to fade, or maybe in my sick caso.Oscillo from happy to sad semi unhappy prospect of thinking, be open spring farts bollato.Nel Meanwhile in the corridors and routes continued undaunted in class suddenly saying "but who was !? "
I am doing job application, addiii.


Sunday, May 25, 2008 Bairthday Arbic Songs

CICLONATURA, nice key rings, but now made the ass to ride! Luigi

(I have a headache)
I'm leaving for
sabaudia accompanied (of course) from my mother (unfortunately) cause cicloavventura beautiful woodland with gauchos, are 7:20 am, I smadonnato enough clothes with long pants and it will be hot, well.

Well logically do the longer route, consider that virtually at 8.00 we were still on the pons, and I had to stay in the house of Jacob at 8.00, well.

the vision of the name is James and I answered PLASMON louis, I say that I'm in the car to get pe sabaudia and he tells me to take 12 or 68 for the Villa Torlonia, sent him to fuck off, and then at 8.30 I'm in the house Jacopo.

I leave the discussion with my mother, now I'm back there in the dear old group once (at least part of the group), Perroni, Louis, James and Livy.

Perroni with shaved heads! And he says there is good, tz.
The bikes are made there from the guy who rent, short thing, I can not name.

I have the DAKAR, and thanks to his unerring Shimano'm not afraid of anything!

Before departure, already registered as dead run for what remains of the earth, we begin to make cycling between the extreme sides and coves close to the roots (Dick) of pine trees, overlooking the lake.

Then at 9.qualcosa, we many in the square, all of them, a guy with megaphone (Ugh, there was no leader)

says something, then there is a priest who gave last rites telling us something, then finally the mayor sends us to piss off, it leaves us free to be free for a while, then on.

Part ballistic missile, the head start, the war the Democratic Party, part of the bullet from the barrel of the gun, part of the brain, part train, part of the ciclonatura.

some good steps / landscape: first step on the road next to Sea (remember the jig figure shit jo gets done to James, who wanted to, I tirassi a pat on the ass to one that ran board street (which was bona population), I did that "sorry! said the boy here that you would like to pull a pat on the ass!"-Jacob runs away.) (I begin to feel tired)

ìinterno dirt road then in the woods (and here we remember the guy who wanted to kill us because James and "raga oh what the fuck was in ffa oh!" In short, no one can slow down.), in the woods there is the panismo D'Annunzio, Sticazzi. (I'm exhausted)

officially declare to be dead once we arrived at the second restaurant, Perroni has made the trip with Graziella, but I say, I with DAKAR I was going slow and I missed the line in the ass as I need a pen to make a new, Perroni with sissy bike ran and flowed like wind el.

Well then, where they gave me free wine too tajato laughter when:

1-back for the fourth time with different glasses for the third time to ask for wine, trying not to acknowledge.

2-jacopo and when I come back from vinarolo, I ask for both the wine and the vinarolo ago with James "to you too white wine?", At that precise moment the vinarolo jacopo stares, wears glasses and particular from the mouth gets the water that has just had, like a idiot, the scene is very surreal. "between an idiot and another you can answer! "says pissed off (really) the vinarolo, I will apologize (but I laughed so much as an idiot) and dinners go.

Okay, Perroni moral of the story will leave us within walking distance sweet home, I pierce a rubber bicycle to make the jerk jumping on the sidewalks, luigi will leave us as soon as the car keys from James.

Jacopo know how to drive, above all know how to get in the middle of an intersection (in the middle ) and look right even if someone comes along, especially because they know how to drive then pull the lever for windscreen wipers (which come on) and does not know how to turn them off.

will buy at the market an antique book of 1947 "the Accusing Catiline", Cicero, cost 200 pounds at the time, I'll pay 1 euro.

Bah, Livio is about to join with the family, came on purpose to go to the beach, James accompanied me to take the bus to Latin America, I go, I salute James and I go to sit next to a Chinese belief.

exciting day, but something was missing, or maybe not, I do not know. Francescooh

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Amber Lynn My Friends Watch

Hello, hello Matt, hello Palmacci, Perroni hello, hello Livy hello panther, justin hello, hello to everyone.

you ask (ask whether icing) that did fine francescooh?

No, they are still alive and I hope to reach 12 to 21 in 2012 to enjoy the show.

But anyway, I speak of that time is running out, the school is about to go on Sunday and ending facere cicloavventura with the gauchos in Sabaudia, guests are Louise and rivelatetemi Livio, will be an exciting day, I hope it did not rain Zolo cve cvel ciorno as rained cvando macd Allam confvertito to cristzianezimo, I think that a man who comes from a religion and is thrown into another is a poor scemo.Vabbé, if it rains ciclonatura to be a race in the mud, fangonatura.

Playing call of duty hurts, really.

Lately I live school situation as I have done solito.Oggi intrerrogare in English and I'm happy because there is one lesson and I still have half the program lead to the question. A philosophy I do not have a vote 8com whole class), I think that tomorrow I andalerò volunteer-Shopenhauer.Poi Shelling in Italian and I have a beautiful 4 story 4 less less fabulous (yes, I have a history of 4 -, it is scandalous, but true.)

do not even know if I admit to the examinations, this one excites me the other side makes me say "slut eva bitch. "Well beyond what I scppa by shit, I have to drop a bomb.

Speaking of bombs, I quote the words that come out when you die in Call of Duty 4:

"cluster bombs are very, very precise.Colpiscono Always ground "-Manual-USAF

or" point to the enemy "-instruction manual for a rocket-stinger

" is not usually agree bail in just bombed "-Manual-USAF pilots

Okay, after that, mene vo and greet you all, a hug a kiss with his tongue, Francescooh

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dried Cranberry Lysine Vs Arginine


precso In this moment the Beatles Jacopo goals on youtube We are in the computer room of squola (and I write from a Of this pc). mmmagini pornographic while printing Isabella Jacob's drooling dietro.Addio give me the last few days, vigorous, that piasceereee.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rough Idle Causes On A 1998 Escort

We apologize for the interruption ...

for obvious reasons I had to delete the post associated with various comments.
This is not a self-censorship, it's just a mistake that is not calculated, or a mistake of the author of the blog unexpectedly.
But since I'm there, you'll see that Luigi will give you a clue ... when we meet.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

What Should I Put In My Confirmation Letter

If I catch you ... you stuffed.

Boh I go to throw something down, writes of a post, Here are a.

Today at school Sarah was more beautiful than mai.Ho spoke with Julia, had been so long since we talked, how you kissed by that ....

There are also those who have seen four weeks we have seen, and fuck 'em all.

The other day I discovered that Pasolini was gay, but I did not scandalizzato.Poi this week there was the argument with the prof.Macera, filosofia.Lei not explain to you stuffed with photocopies and then defends himself by saying tutto.Mah.Fortuna explained that he has always said, "because teachers are also idiots." I think that will happen as did Louis and company, did not sign the program and via.Jacopo had the brilliant idea to contact the former prof Vetrugno lessons birds, boh, it seems to me very helpful, but if you do I'm there.

What fucking day! here. I do not care nor need to metterme design, I have no stimuli, nulla.Ho philosophy and took 9 to 4 to Italian tests simulate.Filosofia does not count the vote, Italian si.Ma porcaccia whore eva, tié.Mene fuck, I do as I almost always wash my hands-mene-I said the last time. (I also said Jonny Depp aka Captain Jack Sparrow when it is in the realm of the dead and is on his ship in the desert, in the midst of many "clones" imaginary.)

Boh Okay Hello, hello Gaddafi, sooner or then you may be in Libya.

Who knows what time to wake up the Chinese, but the Chinese are raised?

Francescooh if broken bales.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spots Where Facial Hair Grows

Better Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, Han Solo, even if it is still a great deal.

2 hours that I'm a house. even knew yesterday that today we all had to go and see Renoir and Miro to Romapadana.

Renoir has made me come a sense excremental, that is, it was really crap, in my opinion.

Under the scorching sun pupils of the fifth C / D senes go up on by around a few steps from giannicolo.Miro is beautiful, that art students, art that.

Well finally we were on the alleged tomb of St. Peter, Natilli told several anecdotes and history of the church that has done about the burning of the old part of St. Peter (city) rebuilded then (the new one is that Michelangelo ...), it is also a beautiful painting entitled "Fire in the Borgo" which is perhaps precisely this evento.Vabbé but these dicks right?

Sene all go, we all go away.

marmificato But before greeting the holy man, a kind of salute to the Indiana Jones (mititco).

Then I go back to train with Titian, Tiziano senes then go, then fly to Neptune and meet my dear amiche.Ma 2 this is another history.

Hello, Francescooh

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Church Bulletin Templates


Besides the infinite darkness, beyond the Pillars of Hercules, beyond the veil of maya, Superman tell me if there is or not, the truth.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Throttle Hookup For John Boat

In the journey of our life, oh excuse thee bruised face!

know, by train, the legendary Peppe Foti, I find the old Camel and reunited with Titian. A
terms, I turn and I see Luigi, we salute you, I met the rest of the troops, but Louis Sene will go away, go home Luigi.
From there the excursion party of brave men to arrive in a square where the space narrows.
The Fellowship of the PM (May 1, not the first judge): I, James Meschia (now you can give him gay), Titian, Antonio, Livio, camel, John (Anna Tatangelo) and sister.
Logically, the journey there always something that you slow down, a flat tire, low fuel .. Well, here is Jacob, being incredibilemnete AIS makes a gaff in front of all the people inside the tube, falls to the ground, we applaud ALL clap their hands, it was something really exciting. (or should I say absurd?)
Well come to St. John, it is still early, have been about 11, was already taanta people.
I can say is that the invasion of Naples. However, meeting the legendary
Riccetti, Davide Molino (but who fuck sene) and much more. The fatal hour
They're coming and with such courage before we went to leave the water then we headed there, between the mad and exasperated crowd that already had cement plant.
The brave men that go: I, Jacopo glass, Antonio, Davide Molino (but who fucks elder), John (Anna) and her sister.
After a good hour of pushing, long jumps, two intercepted, twirling dancers and steps on the tips of the scale model of Milan, half of our heroes manage to get in front of the barriers that divide the Dante's Inferno from the garden of Eden.
who surrendered: John and his sister who has run
missing: Davide Molino (but fuck happened to? Okay Sticazzi)
Who is left at the antipodes of Piazza San Giovanni: Titian, Livio, camel, Peppe Foti Riccetti and most other scum.
2 hours in the sun, are the 2 and a half, those of the staff throwing bottles full of water fresh and sweet, drinkers, who are completely fracica, who swears and says "open ste fucking barricades! Let us passareee neee, "a caos.Eravamo stuck to each other so that: the only
oxygen we breathe was coming out of the mouth of the nearby, I met many people who came from every part of Italy, the Neapolitan maggiornaza / Caserta. At 3
men brutes decided to open the gate, people passing by, I pass despite the liver and ribs are spappolati.Sono Eden, in the company of a guy from Caserta of Mondragon (but what a drag! Go away! Viaa! !) that makes the sympathetic help, James and Anthony have been pouring in the group of the damned, between the wrathful and Charon, in the middle is the passage, the river Styx, but it's tough guys, it's hard.
After a while our heroes (Dante and Virgil greased serving) manage to cross the hideous swamp, and come in Eden.
Well guys, from then on is to move all the fury, fury to jump, to sing. (Hello beautiful animated the whole square, psk! Elusive pseudo Cumün!)
Litfiba honors Gramsci and then so musica.C 'is not much to tell now, I mene to 8, because a train will leave at 9 and a half, but the 'pending charge of the concert makes me logic tantovalke take a train before, wit What the fuck do for an hour and a half?. I set out, I take the subway to Piazza Re di Roma, the subway is packed (good for bell'attentato), but does nothing, coming to terms and get on the 8:07 train, I come home, tired, but before meeting Peppe Foti, camel and others that make me company until April, then they too leave, and returned alone.

Ps: I Sveg about an hour ago.

Francescooh (Panther buùù)