Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Free nags Cav.: "Either government or are you finished"

package from the daily fray Berlusconi is Belpietro Giacalone attack that the inaction of Berlusconi. "We either move, or marsh." Silvio loses another piece?
If we were not more than confident of the fidelity of Berlusconi Free , we would say even that the body of the former 848 silvio berlusconi thumb Libero pungola il Cav.: O governi o sei finito monarchist movement is ready to give up Knight. Yes, because there are two articles today that give formal notice to Silvio to make a move, that sounds really, as an ultimatum . "Now wake up" , tells Maurizio Belpietro , in its editorial daily, mimicking Riccardo Cocciante. While David Giacalone threat risk "swamp" for Silvio.
HOW DO YOU KNOW - " We do not want you to think that love get in the chair: we do not have titles, and especially not do it with someone who has never proven to know better than us. But faced with what is happening, the news coming from the political front, particularly those close to the chairman of the House, and judicial branches, alluding to last `Milan prosecutors on the investigation of Moroccan minors, we can not be silent" , begins Belpietro, that it considers necessary to alarm : o Silvio, before this siege that his enemies are fabricating, reacts, or is finished. " This time we are forced to set aside the grace to call the prime minister to his duties, or those of us out of this slime" says, succinctly, the director of Free. And, leaning on data released Tuesday by Nando Pagnoncelli to Ballaro Belpietro called the elections " If after all that has happened in the last two years - from the economic crisis at the daily war against he and his party - the Knight continues to stay ahead of the charts, Berlusconi has any obligation to take note and indicate a way out of the quagmire . What? Boh : "The prime minister can not afford to wait a long time with our hands, because every day that passes, his opponents got excited against him in the long run could be better ". Also because, Silvio is really starting to lose pieces " Alfredo Biondi and Gabriele Albertini difficulties have not been silent. With this knowledge I can not think that the words of former Secretary of `liberal and former mayor of Milan `s are dictated by the desire of a folding seat. It is clear, however, feel that the `absence of a clear direction to go and report to the` uncertainty with which the PDL is conducted ". In short, Allam is high: "Silvio alarm: you need to follow his leader" .
SILVIO E 'FINISHED? - Not less pointed the second critical article that the newspaper Belpietro fielding, signed by David Giacalone : "Really is willing, Silvio, to be massacred slowly, pretending not to notice that the majority no longer exists? I really can not reverse a situation in which virtually everything on his part, holding a brown coals of the prosecution? ". We must take immediate measures , otherwise "the swamp" , real estate, the defeat, moreover, "the the Berlusconi now has little alternative" , Giacalone writes. But "The trouble is that most of the time is past, and it was wasted . What happened to the that Berlusconi "has always been the relative majority of the votes "? Its superiority "electoral and economic" obviously was not enough - despite studies Congress of Vienna, made in Henry Kissinger. Despite his great leadership skills, it is now clear Silvio "never really wanted to change Italy, put his hand to the constitutional structure" . That sentence appears on Available In fact, immediately corrects : "Or if you prefer, there is no successful gliel'hanno did not do. Changes little ". And now? " Berlusconi did not say that the government will rule for another wonderful year" , why do not you really believe any more . And "not saying it will solve everything going elections" because the coalition fractures , among the "betrayal" of Fini and the poisoned meatballs League, will weigh. There is a need for a profound reform of the country, reaching the Third Republic burying the second. Berlusconi can only do so: it does. Otherwise, we end.

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Six types of malt Scotch

Scotland can be divided into six different malt making segments or regions, Islay, Campbeltown, Speyside, Islands Lowlands and highlands. Each of these regions produce a different malt as the characteristics are different so too are the methods of distillation. Changes in climate, raw materials and production methods all play a roll in several of these malts.


This is a small island off the west coast of Scotland and is the site of many malt distilleries meraviglioso.Hanno many variations of malts, but the most notable of carrying a spicy taste of peat fumoso.Il current number of running distilleries is eight, although there was onetime said to be twenty-three, with the most recent edition was inaugurated in 2005.


mountainless This region is flat and clear his name and also in the region to the south of Scotland. This beer contains less smoke, peat and salt than most other malts coming from Scotland and carries with it a slightly fiery yet smooth.


This is undoubtedly the center of the universe whiskey in Scotland. The Spey River runs directly through the area hence the name. A good majority of top distilleries use water from the river in their processes. Although some features vary Highland Speyside is still a part geographically. Someone interested in trying a traditional Scottish malt for the first time would do well with this malt, as it is rich and relatively mild in taste.


The largest malt-producing region in Scotland is by far the Highlands.Questa beer is very rich and fumoso.In comparison to Malta from the plains, many of the different distilleries produce a different flavor to their single malts. This is caused by several different microclimates. The use of many different raw materials and the inclusion of some changed production routines also contribute to these distinctions of taste


Campbeltown was once the primary site distilleries distillery scozzese.Ventuno were active in and around 1886, however, only three are currently in commercio.Questa region is still considered a separate malt state for the value of historians.


Arran, Orkney, Mull, Jura and Skye make up the body of the islands that are sometimes confused with Islay.Si is in fact a completely separata.Coloro who have a some experience drinking malts generally enjoy the malts from this region.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Vuze Wont Let Me Delete Files

A bottle of whiskey

Most of the distilleries of whiskey barrels good sales of their product as a whole for purposes of private buyers as well as melting. Usually the name will be added to distillers a blended product however not the logo. This is an indication that the product is in fact not only of malt and Blend.

more independent bottling companies will bottle products from single casks and may or may not be the source of imbottigliamento.In this time many renowned distillers are trying to end the open market of bottling operations as it is violate their total sales.

Some malt companies will incorporate more than a lot of them in scotch barrels for sale to ensure the independent bottlers to sell as a product of single malt. Many Independent bottlers use simply a geographical region or an alias of the distiller, to avoid any impacts legali.Questo method of legal sneakiness is known as "bastard bottling." In both cases, the Scotch Malt Whisky Society is still able to monitor the product of the number still.

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Mexico: Revenge of the narcos

killing one person for each of the 135 tons of marijuana seized. This is the challenge of the Mexican cartels and the police that step by step and strokes massacre is taking place.
Three murders in less than five days. The first 15 young people killed during a party, a day after 13 others in a drug rehabilitation center in Tijuana and two days after another mex 27 Messico: la vendetta dei narcos 15 in a car wash to Nayarit.
METHOD OF SIGNS - Yesterday, writes El Mundo, have not even waited until nightfall, a group of heavily armed militiamen arrived on site at the edge of several trucks and wearing dark glasses opened fire indiscriminately on employees and customers. Nobody saw anything, nobody knows nothing and no one was arrested. The causes are still unknown, even if the action meets the customary method of cartels. According to local press, most of victims were workers and the car wash were part of a rehabilitation plan drugs. Some agencies then they would die also two food vendors. The death toll could rise because several people in the car were injured.
DEAD 135 - This is the third homicide in a few days. Friday night in Ciudad Juárez , thirty people were wounded by gunfire after a group of armed men did burst into a party and opened fire, died on 13 young shot. It seems that the commandos were on the trail of 'El Raton', one of local narcos who managed to escape. When they were still on the ground the bodies of boys Tijuana, even at the border of the United States, a group, entered the rehabilitation center El Camino ACs, he got shot 15 people were inside.
135 TONS OF MARIJA - A few minutes after the attack, an unknown interfering with police radio frequencies has claimed responsibility for the killings, which alerting it was just a " proof of what happens in Juárez " and threatened to be killed 135 people, a possible reference to the 135 tonnes of marijuana seized by police last week . The President Felipe Calderón expressed his condolences for those who lost their lives in Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez and Nayarit, victims of "acts of barbarism committed by crime kills without mercy or scruple " . " Nothing justifies these acts of barbarism that remove the lives of young people struggling to get out .

Friday, October 29, 2010

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them better understand the etochetta of a scotch whiskey

To grasp an understanding of a Scottish label assumes the ability to understand many things. National laws, marketing, tradition, and caprice are well positioned on the product label. This simple guide can be obtained through the confusion of what is inside the bottle.

If you are looking for a real scotch whiskey, then the label should say that exactly, if the spelling is different, that has not been achieved in Scotland has been done elsewhere instead. Look for the words single malt, which they can be divided still say single malt, if that is what it is. The only way to identify a true single malt whiskey is looking, never take the name as the word on quality, many names were forged to hide the true identity of the distiller.

If the alcohol content per volume reads more than fifty percent, then it would be better to water down the malt is classified by the force of blows and be stronger wrong please do not share with the test.

And finally, the bottling date and control not age once bottled.

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Scientists will record our dreams

And if we could spy on dream experiences of others? A team of scholars grappling with the intricacies of the brain come to a conclusion: you can do.
largecover Gli scienziati registreranno i nostri sogni A team of scientists linked to the authoritative journal Nature has developed a system of "reading" of brain activity. Dr. Cerf Moran, a article of Telegraph, said that in particular the application the new system would be designed to the study of dreams , topic was the subject of speculation and theories but never in real trials. So far, the only way to enter into the content of dreams was to ask for information to patients in the waking state .
a concept, a neuron - What the Doctor Cerf wants to get is the view of dreams through the monitoring of brain activity: according to his research on the "administration" of various concepts corresponds to the activation of the same number of neurons members. Example: X neuron is activated when the patient thinks of Marilyn Monroe , the neuron is activated at the sight of Z Tour Eiffel. The patient through electrodes connected to the system installed in his brain through a surgical procedure rather invasive (quiet, no mice drilled for the occasion but patients being treated for combat seizures), may be "stripped " while sleeping, making visible to all the contents of his dreams. Obviously this is not telling anything new in terms of interpretation, this position was confirmed in an article of BBC by Dr. Roderick Oner, an expert on dreams and clinical psychologist.
THINK AN E-MAIL - Cerf is enthusiastic and optimistic and argues that research in this area are going at such a rate that will soon be able to view brain activity without drilling the brains of patients. "It would be nice to have access to the human mind, especially in those situations NEWS 1237378133 cervello Gli scienziati registreranno i nostri sogni situations where individuals are unable to communicate, as in cases of coma . (...) In the future, We could also start writing e-mail just thinking or be sued in the eyes of a flow of information only imagine. " But now we see limits of this perspective: think about it the amount of concrete and abstract concepts that can be evoked in a very short dream. The display of one of these is solely and exclusively to the extent that has been added to database through the preparatory phase on the sample. It matters little detect the activation of the neuron W if I do not know where this concept is bound to . This suggests that the road to the projection of dreams is still long and that dream remains a private experience. For now.

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The Scotch Whisky Scotch Whisky in America

Scotch has undoubtedly been elevated to first place in the popular mind, however, said that if the spirit has not been done in Scotland therefore has no right baring the name. The land itself lends to this spirit and what is taken s naturally replenished.

Scotch whiskey said to be a nobleman among spirits brought primarily by what mother earth has to offer. This makes it a popular drink for the naturalist among noi.La Scotland is so rich in natural resources from the peat moors of endless flowing fields of wheat and barley that is ideal for the preparation of this tasty beverage.

The art of distilling has traveled for generations, and every step of the way to acquire knowledge and refinement as distilling and aging of fine malt gives way to what is ora.Ci are two types of whiskey production in Scotland today thanks in part to the creation of yet in 1831. One of these is the variety wheat and the other one is the variety of malt Blend.

In the past there was only single malt whisky.Ora is made up of different grains that combine to create the end product of malt whiskey. The malt is bottled in select quantities that are referred to as single malt. Some of the most popular mixtures are now mixed with what is known as a grain whiskey.

Distilleries are in the heart of the countryside and using the ingredients of the earth. Some raise their wheat and barley to control what they use in produzione.Alcuni farmers use reputation as a great service to give a good cause by creating some of the world's most beautiful spirit.

The use of natural springs and rivers is very common practice pure.Come a fact the Skye River runs right through the region that holds the title of capital of Malta scozzese.Una Upon completion of the process of mashing, drying begins.

There Have Been whiskey bottles well from Islay in the south of the coast of Scotland, going for $ 7,000.00. A liquor store very select in California placed this product on the shelves within 24 hours 20 bottles where torn fino.Questa is a clear indication of the quality that the company is a pure buy and promotes with pride.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Organposition Left Waist

gay marriage in the Church? In Sweden you can

During the last year are 142 same-sex couples tie the knot in front of God to those very few straight, but freedom is not a question of numbers.
magazines Several times he was involved in gay rights in the world, often to recount the abuses and discrimination attached and connected. But when it comes to Sweden and legislation devoted to gay, the view is rosy: it is now in fact the news that over the last 142 years not only same-sex couples got married, but they did it in church . On May 1 last year, the Swedish parliament has legalized marriage between people the same sex.
THE LAST STEP - In 1995 the Swedish gay couples, or im sweden Matrimoni gay in Chiesa? In Svezia è possibile but migrated legally resident in Sweden , was eligible for civil union that allowed them to enjoy almost all rights reserved married couples: among these joint adoptions, in vitro fertilization and division of assets on separation. But the fact of homosexual couples was missing the last step to reach true equality: the civil marriage, and why not, before God who is the prerogative of all entities, not just heterosexuals. In 2004, he was created a 'special commission parliamentary investigating whether to extend marriage to same-sex couples and to automatically convert the existing de facto couples in married couples. to religious institutions, however, was left to decide for themselves how to ask about this issue. Moral of the story: Three years later, while also polls gave the 71% of Swedes in favor of gay marriage, the committee produced a report which contained the draft reform was approved by six parties a week, from right to left, except the predictable Democrat Party that opposed in the name of protecting the symbolic value of traditional marriage. For supporters of the reform instead, who won the vote with 261 votes against 22 against and 16 abstentions, the impact of this would be minimal given that civil unions already guaranteed almost a substantive equality, but legalizing gay marriage would be final and symbolic gesture of 'substantially equity between Swedish citizens.
WITH THE BLESSING OF THE CHURCH - But at the end of 2007, which is the miracle: the Lutheran Church of Sweden , the first religious institution in the country in importance and number of members in a claims to be communicated to gay union before God, but asks the Government that the term "marriage" remains dedicated only to heterosexual couples. Matters of form that do not change the revolutionary position of religious authority in Sweden. Moreover, once the law passed, the Chies matrimonio gay Matrimoni gay in Chiesa? In Svezia è possibile to of Sweden has withdrawn its request "lexical" enshrined in its final blessing to gay marriage. All under the eyes of the disappointed and angry Church of Rome and the Church Pentecostal , strongly against homosexual unions.
FEW GOOD MA - Returning to today's data: 142 gay couples are are married in church during the past year. Few, you say, especially compared to about 20 000 heterosexual marriages that took place during the same period. Christina Grenholm , head of the Secretariat of the theological and ecumenical Church of Sweden (a woman ..) yesterday said: "No matter how many gay marriages were celebrated. The important thing is that these have actually been able to keep. " Shared location. And then, very probably, so far the gay couples in Sweden had lived in a regime of discrimination and oppression, just given the go-ahead run would break the marriage. Perhaps it is the climate of tolerance and sostenziale equality before the law (and now to God) that does not create the urgency . And who said that marriage is more desirable for an efficient and satisfying marital relationship?

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Gb: the Pope's visit to the Church wants more money

We need £ 3.5 million after the trip of Benedict XVI which has cost 10 million pounds. Officials uncertain about how best to raise additional funds.
The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has until April to clear his debt multi-million dollar contract with the British government for the papal visit, but Pope Benedict XVI with Da 001 Gb: per la visita del Papa la Chiesa vuole altri soldi officials admit they do not know how to cope.
CAMERON WANTS MONEY BACK - The government, reported the Guardian , has covered many of the costs of Church for the four-day trip which took place last month and in a time when cuts are announced tears and blood for the British taxpayer, wants money back by the end of the year. The Church has so far collected 6.5 million pounds, but since the total cost was 10 million pounds, is facing a hole of 3.5 million pounds. To pay off the account, it relies heavily on dioceses and individual contributions, in addition to the sales of a prayer book on the papal visit.
FAITHFUL, YOU THINK - A collection parish has collected just 1.4 million pounds, while the 'appeal to the rich had more success, compensating with about 4 million pounds. The previous papal visit, Pope John Paul II made by in 1982, left the church with 13 million pounds of debt for at that time had to pay the full account of the pastoral tour. A spokesman for the Church of England and Wales told the Catholic Herald " E 'for administrators to decide how the papal visit addressing any deficiencies that will be there in April - we're just waiting for the government send all invoices, because without those it's hard to say exactly how much the financial cost. Not all the income of the Magnificat (prayer book ed) yet come, and we are still waiting for other sources .
stew COST - Last night a spokesman for the Foreign Office could not provide the exact amount owed by the Church, but said: "We are currently reconciling all costs of the visit and we will be able to update in due course on what the Church has yet to pay . Earlier this month it emerged that the draft law on state at a cost of £ 10 million was divided among various government departments, with 3.7 million pounds from the budgets of the 'Environment and energy. In documents obtained by Freedom of Information Act, the Treasury reported that the total budget for the visit of four days, with the exception of police, was 10 million pounds. These costs have been administered by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, who has paid the first tranche of 750,000 pounds, while the rest was divided equally among the five departments of the Treasury considered as those who had political objectives which most closely aligned to the papal visit and then helped in economic terms, the Environment, Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Communities and Local Government, Education and International Development.

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Midterm: in Kentucky there's also the beating

The mid-term elections should have been a leisurely stroll towards the reaffirmation of the Republican seat. The outcome will not change, but the campaign was one of the most turbulent of this session
5120625375 b3bfddb70e o Midterm: in Kentucky arrivano pure le botte incument of the unpopular GOP Jim Bunning has decided not to return again. Despite the tendency of conservative Kentucky, its ricandidatura would have exposed the Republican Party in a difficult election campaign . The GOP primary was hard fought, and recorded one of the first significant victories Tea Party . The candidate of the establishment Republican was defeated by Rand Paul, son of Congressman Ron , the libertarian pluricandidato Texas for president.
SPOT ISSUE - Rand Paul is soon ended up in the crosshairs of the media for some of his statements are very distant from the mainstream of American politics. Opposition to the Civil Rights Act the excessive power given to the central echoes a classical libertarian position to Paul Rand, but it may conceal a bias toward the institutionalized racism of Jim Crow to much of American public opinion. Democrat Jack Conway , Affected by the wave anti Obama shakes rural Appalachia , tried to exploit the past the libertarian iconoclast Paul, who had forced his college classmate to kneel in front of a fake idol. The ad attacking the Republican candidate's past creates a huge tension in the campaign, and finally seems to have penalized Conway in the polls. Most voters in Kentucky have found inappropriate in such a campaign gimmick, and despite his weak Rand Paul is poised to become the next junior senator from Kentucky.
BARREL TO DUEL - In the first TV duel, the Republican candidate had refused to shake hands with Conway, infuriated by the continuing attacks on the issue of water Buddha. For days the second and final televised challenge was in doubt, but in the end Paul has accepted. Tensions remained in the air, and during a demonstration outside the studio recording a militant Move On was attacked, thrown to the ground and trampled. Lauren ; Valle filed a complaint against his assailant, who turned out to be a campaigner Paul Rand. The staff of the Republican candidate has been removed Tim Profitt from the post of coordinator of Bourbon County, but poaching has shrugged likely than the complaint by the militant Move On, from which on the contrary expect a public apology to him. Profitt has even explained that he walked Lauren Valley because of his sore back.

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E 'right to forgive a pedophile priest because he is old?

New storm on the head of the Catholic Church Belgian, André-Joseph Leonard, who yesterday asked for clemency for the retired priests who have committed abuses.
From socialist to liberal Flemish-speaking, many people are having these 'outraged' to statements by the head of the Catholic Church Belgian André-Joseph Leonard photo 1287575750727 1 0  E giusto perdonare un prete pedofilo perché è vecchio? that would absolve those who have committed abuses, provided they are no longer in service.
JUSTICE NOT 'Revenge - The proposed Leonard writes RTL info, is "unacceptable for the two Socialist deputies members of the Special Commission for pedophilia in the Church. Leonard said he ordered the older priests would exert a kind of "revenge ", but according to the Socialists and Karine Lalieux Valerie Deom , " do justice does not mean revenge." "Once again - according to the deputies - Leonard tries to make the victims feel guilty and to exert pressure that would cause you not to ask for more justice to be done, as it is their right" . Leonard is not, they said the Socialists, who must give indications on the conviction or not, but must be " the justice of men" to take its course and to determine any penalties.
RAISE THE PRESCRIPTION FOR ABUSE - "particularly shocked " the Flemish Liberals " Justice is a matter of the State in which a clergyman should not intervene pxy 40844801 37103071 256 4707546  E giusto perdonare un prete pedofilo perché è vecchio? , "said the deputies Carina Van Cauter and Sabien Lahaye-Battheu , authors of a bill to raise to 30 years prescription for the crime of sexual abuse of minors. Leonard has been repeatedly criticized for ignoring the many complaints of victims of abuse by priests in Belgium.
COMMISSION OF INQUIRY - Meanwhile, House is preparing to appoint a special commission on sexual abuse within the Church. This committee should not listen to the victims but try to find ways to accommodate better their complaints. The special committee will be composed of 13 members. It will focus sexual abuse and pedophilia in a relationship of authority, especially within the church and may be transformed into a Commission of Inquiry if there will be no need.

How Much Are Drinks On A Princess Cruise

As new Irish and Scottish immigrants tried to settle on the American continent they brought with them the methods of distillation of Scotch whiskey. Finding that different than they were accustomed to new raw materials, lead the way for an evolution of new scotch now known merely as whiskey. Today, if you can find a similarity between Irish and Scottish whiskey, and now his American cousin would later experts and connoisseurs.

The taste stronger, fuller and sweeter than found in American whiskey, if the result of the lack of smoke in the drying process of cereal or semi.American whiskey is divided into six different categories is a direct result of the different times of aging and adequate quantity of cereals used in each batch of whiskey.

The six different American beers are as follows:

* Bourbon * Tennessee

* Rye * Wheat * Corn

* Blended whiskey


Bourbon is believed to be produced exclusively in Kentucky, which is a myth that has been produced in many Stati.Stipulazioni bourbon are very simple. It must be done in the United States, should only be made from fifty-one percent corn and can be stored in charred oak barrels for a period of not less than two years. The spirit in its raw form can not exceed 80% alcohol by volume.


There are some differences between Tennessee and Bourbon. They are closely related. Tennessee must always be filtered through sugar maple charcoal, and can only be produced in the state of Tennessee, hence its name. There are currently only two brands of Tennessee whiskey available; George Dickel and Jack Daniels.

rye and wheat

Generally rye whiskey is blended with other products to create other types of whisky.Solo a very small part of this whiskey is actually imbottigliata.Esso must include at least fifty percent rye rye whiskey.La consider distilling and storing conditions meet the same requirements as in Bourbon.Principalmente made in the Indiana and Kentucky is quite rare to have a slightly bitter taste and more powerful.


Due to the overwhelming surplus of corn, this was an obvious choice and is the predecessor of alleged Borbone.Come Maize is the main ingredient with about 80 cento.La difference between corn and Bourbon is that corn should not be stored in legno.Se you want to be done must be aged in Bourbon barrels or barrels that have been previous uncharred

American Blend Whiskey

You should not be confused with the differences of Scotch whiskey and American blended whiskey whiskey.American contains only about twenty percent of rye and bourbon whiskey, a mass product industrial spirit, makes the other eighty cento.Questo makes the product very cheap and much lighter than it's American cousins.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

White Cm 5 Days Before Af

Nicole Minetti, the sexy-dentist involved in the case of Silvio Ruby

rumors of an entry in the register of suspects of the dental hygienist, the Lombardy Regional Council, which Mr Berlusconi was under the care after the attack at the San Raffaele Tartaglia.
take shape rumors of a ' entry in the register of suspects in the story of Ruby , Nicole+Minetti Nicole Minetti, la sexy dentista di Silvio implicata nel caso Ruby the underage girl who was invited to the revels of the President of the Council of Nicole Minetti . This is the mental health of the Knight, known during the follow-up care with the launch of the statue of the Cathedral of Milan on the face of the Premier, and known to the general public during the election last March. Berlusconi on the occasion of has in fact done so at the last regional candidate and it elected to the board through the Lombardy the list Formigoni .
CANDIDATE BY SILVIO - Nicole, 25, was born in Rimini and graduated from grammar school in his city, he studied dance for 10 years. After high school he decided to study ; Dental Hygiene at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, where - he said in an interview a while ago - works dealing with international relations in view of the new dental clinic, and where at the end of 2009 after the attack Tartaglia would occur the chance meeting with Silvio Berlusconi.
Chiambretti EA TO COLORADO CAFE ' - Now on the beautiful Minetti rains that hit the same charge and Emilio Fede Lele Mora: abetting prostitution. The girl at the center of the affair that has involved also the director of TG4 and the manager of VIP, Ruby, that would said to have received € 30 thousand by Berlusconi, was entrusted to Nicole for a short period, then before entering within the party Mora who, apparently, also took part Emilio Fede. Nicole, who was soubrette of Chiambretti , valley in Colorado Cafe and before that in Slag, and Ruby - reportedly investigators from the girl - ; would be known in the restaurant Armani in Milan and would then met several times in other places. Ruby confessed that Minetti was the next in a time of need, so that, after yet another escape el'ennesimo arrest, agents found no place in the community for children, would have entrusted to her.
NO DENIAL - "The Ruby I maybe having a couple of times, I do not know who he is, I never had any kind of relationship with her, I presented a Lele Mora, not the 'I made a Berlusconi, has defended this morning Emilio Fede. From Minetti still no denial .
Edit: The Minetti says surprised by the clamor around him. ' I was struck this morning in reading the newspapers and wonder why, since' refers to my name, I would like to point out that with Miss Ruby does not have friendly relations do 'I've never hosted at my house, what it' was misspelled . "" I know -adds- know how many other people in the world of television and now -ends- I am not being investigated '.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Appetizers With Chorizo Sausage

Nissan has withdrawn two million cars boot problems

The Japanese manufacturer had to recall several models of its cars, including the note Micra
logo nissan Nissan ritira due milioni di macchine per problemi all’avviamento The Nissan Motors, the manufacturer Japanese cars, in these hours is recalling 2.14 million vehicles sold worldwide including the popular models and March Micra a problem for all 'power , which can cause engine stalling. In particular, the emergency procedure just started, results to be the third largest ever.
ASK BEFORE Borrow - So far, no major incident related to the problem deferred is still reported by many motorists around the world who have bought one of the models of the manufacturer Japanese. According to the manufacturer based in Yokohama recall affects cars sold in the United States especially in in Europe and Japan . As we came to know , the problem was found in the ignition system, particularly the block relay for the ignition key of the machine, in this condition during the journey and, therefore, for the off the same car.
THE MOST RELIABLE MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY ... - The models presented that manufacturing defects were those produced from ' August 2003 to July 2006 , including small cars like the March and Cube , plus another dozen models such as the Tiida sedan , the Titan pickup and the luxury version of the Japanese, the QX56 . In extreme cases, the engine stalled will not be able to start the Marchina, said Nissan spokesman, Mitsuru Yonekawa . Of the vehicles recalled, nearly 835,000 were produced in Japan , 762,000 in North America , and 354,000 in Europe, in the latter case nissan micra 01 offerta Nissan ritira due milioni di macchine per problemi all’avviamento Nissan plants of Great Britain and Spain. Nissan, which Renault partener of the French, did not disclose the cost of the recall, but it should not, however, be excessive. In fact, to solve the problem, you will need to bring the car to a garage agreement with the Japanese manufacturer. The time required to replace the relay and solve the problem should not be longer than half an hour .
DESIGNED TO IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE - The very large number of vehicles involved in the withdrawal, in fact, is the result of a deliberate strategy of reducing costs that always applies when the defect is deferred over the same parties and involving different models. The Toyota Motor, which is the world's largest automaker, has been a flurry of calls in the last year for a total of over 10 million of vehicles around the world for a serious problem to the accelerator pedal, the mats that slips right under the pedals and prevent proper operation and for the loss of brake fluid and other problems. The German Mercedes-Benz had call recently from the streets about 85,000 cars Class E and Class C . The car in fact, pose a serious problem of power steering control system.
POSTSCRIPT - The titles of several paragraphs are all Japanese manufacturer's slogan ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

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"never spied on Facebook" means the Postal Police denies Espresso

The specialized branch responds to the weekly reported today. There was talk of a deal with the most popular social network to arbitrarily spy on user profiles.
polizia postale6jpg 62373 Mai spiato su Facebook: la Polizia Postale smentisce lEspresso existence of a secret pact between Postal Italian Police and the biggest network of Social to spy arbitrarily, without the consent the judiciary, any page created by users of the peninsula. The sensational news, just announced expressively, with an article signed George Florian where there was talk of an agreement signed by the department managers and specialized Facebook , was promptly denied by Police.
SPIE BUT WHAT? - " Imagine if the police starts to spy on surfers Facebook - has said the central director of Postal Police Antonio Apruzzese - When the postal police or other bodies (police, financial police, etc. etc..) are conducting a survey on Facebook to intercept communications, always move with the permission of the judiciary. Also because 'Otherwise, everything you do not have any value of the case. In fact if they violate the network without authorization from the judiciary would be making a criminal offense . told L'Espresso a trip to the States executive department of the Italian police accused of trying to bypass 'judicial authority. " went to Palo Alto, in California - says the piece entitled "The police spy on Facebook" - and took away the first in Europe, a cooperation pact that provides for the possibility of activating an endless series of checks on the pages of Social network without having to make a request of the judiciary and allow the time required for an international letter rogatory .
FORBIDDEN PEEK - The weekly, which also shows anonymous confessions of "Carabinieri officer," an investigator in Milan "and an unidentified police source of communications, had spoke of "fast track " that the Italian digital detective might follow in their fight against child pornography to phishing scams and telematics. But the story of the mat is able to " open the doors of our homes without any virtual need permission from a prosecutor " is belied . "In early October - said Apruzzese - came to Italy after lengthy negotiations and contacts on Facebook makers at the highest level also accompanied by their lawyers and explained the procedures for requesting and obtaining access to the network for police and judicial affairs, especially in such cases, according to the Anglo-Saxon law, you may grant permissions. They explained point by point, we have provided guidelines and directives to all shot bodies Italian police. " For Italian users, in other words, do not worry. Your privacy will be violated. The 400 staff of the Directorate of the police investigation can not post freely peek and record almost 17 million profiles of our house.? It 's true that the permit will be required only in case of crimes against persons, property, suicide, homicide and organized crime? Maybe, but even if the trip to Palo Alto was denied the history of the police officer masquerading as a woman in order to catch any of the suspects is highly credible. And a denial of fact is not sufficient to erase it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Ruby: "I'm very bad"

A girl very flashy and turbulent past, to remind everyone in the country for her beauty. And 'this is the identikit of the young Moroccan on the phone with the Ansa news agency says he is very sorry.
His real name is Karima (Arabic, honored) and before arriving in Milan has had some legal trouble in Messina. The girl's family, from the Morocco, officially resides in Letojanni seven years, the municipality of Ionian coast a short distance from Taormina. The father, who is 56 years old, is a 5122990121 e9768f18a4 o  Ruby: Sto molto male peddler, his mother a housewife of 43; Ruby is the oldest of four children, two boys seven and three years of six and a sister.
IS POINTED OUT - In the home of the family, a house on the outskirts of modest Letojanni, right now there's' no. The head of the family, explain the neighbors, has been hospitalized for some medical tests after a request to obtain advanced disability allowance, the wife is a few months in Morocco with others three children. A Letojanni Ruby all remember very well: "A brunette, tall, pointed out that proving very most of his age, "says a mechanic who has the shop within walking distance from the house of the girl's family. After attending secondary school, Ruby left school confirming that you have a restless nature, so as to be more 'times reported to local social services. Three years ago, not yet fifteen, he had moved away from home without giving any news of if '.
vice THAT FOR THEFT - The police had traced a few months later, in April 2008 and entrusted to a foster home to Messina from which he fled almost immediately. Karima, who also went by the name Ruby Messina, had been stopped by police for theft after being denounced by those who had given hospitality. To defend against this charge had told the military to have suffered sexual violence and being caught up in a prostitution ring. It was then entrusted to the house, "Santa Maria in the street" in the Village Galatians, to Messina, where he had fled after a few months. In September 2009, was again stopped by the investigators in Genoa and entrusted to a protected community from which it was removed once again. The last reporting to social services of the City of Letojanni dates back to February 2010, when Ruby 5123592464 62c25984fc o  Ruby: Sto molto male runs for the third time, this time in Milan before being stopped again by police when investigating a theft. And this, say some neighbors of the family, would be one of 'vice' of the young, previously suspected of having committed any pilferage.
AND RUBY 'sorry - The last time Ruby had been seen in Letojanni dated 25 April, during a rally motorcycle: the crowd of fans all had noted with heavy makeup and wearing clothes in the company of a lady about 45 years, she very beautiful and elegant. Since then no news of her more, until the name of that girl Moroccan , know that everyone in the country, has not appeared in the newspapers. together with that of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. And it is a few minutes ago his first statement ANSA: "'m sorry for what is happening. I'm sorry because I see mostly people who were involved who have helped me without asking anything in return . " I'm sick." Thus, in a faint voice, said Ruby, which is located in a town outside Milan , talking on the phone with the Ansa news agency. She added that these days many are still trying to contact you. " 'But I refused " he said, referring to the calls. " morning - he told the young - I deleted my profile from Facebook, around 10.30, I deleted" . The lawyer contacted anxiety Giuliante Luca said Ruby " need to stay calm because this is a very young girl involved in an affair older than her and that does not belong ".