Thursday, October 28, 2010

Organposition Left Waist

gay marriage in the Church? In Sweden you can

During the last year are 142 same-sex couples tie the knot in front of God to those very few straight, but freedom is not a question of numbers.
magazines Several times he was involved in gay rights in the world, often to recount the abuses and discrimination attached and connected. But when it comes to Sweden and legislation devoted to gay, the view is rosy: it is now in fact the news that over the last 142 years not only same-sex couples got married, but they did it in church . On May 1 last year, the Swedish parliament has legalized marriage between people the same sex.
THE LAST STEP - In 1995 the Swedish gay couples, or im sweden Matrimoni gay in Chiesa? In Svezia è possibile but migrated legally resident in Sweden , was eligible for civil union that allowed them to enjoy almost all rights reserved married couples: among these joint adoptions, in vitro fertilization and division of assets on separation. But the fact of homosexual couples was missing the last step to reach true equality: the civil marriage, and why not, before God who is the prerogative of all entities, not just heterosexuals. In 2004, he was created a 'special commission parliamentary investigating whether to extend marriage to same-sex couples and to automatically convert the existing de facto couples in married couples. to religious institutions, however, was left to decide for themselves how to ask about this issue. Moral of the story: Three years later, while also polls gave the 71% of Swedes in favor of gay marriage, the committee produced a report which contained the draft reform was approved by six parties a week, from right to left, except the predictable Democrat Party that opposed in the name of protecting the symbolic value of traditional marriage. For supporters of the reform instead, who won the vote with 261 votes against 22 against and 16 abstentions, the impact of this would be minimal given that civil unions already guaranteed almost a substantive equality, but legalizing gay marriage would be final and symbolic gesture of 'substantially equity between Swedish citizens.
WITH THE BLESSING OF THE CHURCH - But at the end of 2007, which is the miracle: the Lutheran Church of Sweden , the first religious institution in the country in importance and number of members in a claims to be communicated to gay union before God, but asks the Government that the term "marriage" remains dedicated only to heterosexual couples. Matters of form that do not change the revolutionary position of religious authority in Sweden. Moreover, once the law passed, the Chies matrimonio gay Matrimoni gay in Chiesa? In Svezia è possibile to of Sweden has withdrawn its request "lexical" enshrined in its final blessing to gay marriage. All under the eyes of the disappointed and angry Church of Rome and the Church Pentecostal , strongly against homosexual unions.
FEW GOOD MA - Returning to today's data: 142 gay couples are are married in church during the past year. Few, you say, especially compared to about 20 000 heterosexual marriages that took place during the same period. Christina Grenholm , head of the Secretariat of the theological and ecumenical Church of Sweden (a woman ..) yesterday said: "No matter how many gay marriages were celebrated. The important thing is that these have actually been able to keep. " Shared location. And then, very probably, so far the gay couples in Sweden had lived in a regime of discrimination and oppression, just given the go-ahead run would break the marriage. Perhaps it is the climate of tolerance and sostenziale equality before the law (and now to God) that does not create the urgency . And who said that marriage is more desirable for an efficient and satisfying marital relationship?


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