Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Ruby: "I'm very bad"

A girl very flashy and turbulent past, to remind everyone in the country for her beauty. And 'this is the identikit of the young Moroccan on the phone with the Ansa news agency says he is very sorry.
His real name is Karima (Arabic, honored) and before arriving in Milan has had some legal trouble in Messina. The girl's family, from the Morocco, officially resides in Letojanni seven years, the municipality of Ionian coast a short distance from Taormina. The father, who is 56 years old, is a 5122990121 e9768f18a4 o  Ruby: Sto molto male peddler, his mother a housewife of 43; Ruby is the oldest of four children, two boys seven and three years of six and a sister.
IS POINTED OUT - In the home of the family, a house on the outskirts of modest Letojanni, right now there's' no. The head of the family, explain the neighbors, has been hospitalized for some medical tests after a request to obtain advanced disability allowance, the wife is a few months in Morocco with others three children. A Letojanni Ruby all remember very well: "A brunette, tall, pointed out that proving very most of his age, "says a mechanic who has the shop within walking distance from the house of the girl's family. After attending secondary school, Ruby left school confirming that you have a restless nature, so as to be more 'times reported to local social services. Three years ago, not yet fifteen, he had moved away from home without giving any news of if '.
vice THAT FOR THEFT - The police had traced a few months later, in April 2008 and entrusted to a foster home to Messina from which he fled almost immediately. Karima, who also went by the name Ruby Messina, had been stopped by police for theft after being denounced by those who had given hospitality. To defend against this charge had told the military to have suffered sexual violence and being caught up in a prostitution ring. It was then entrusted to the house, "Santa Maria in the street" in the Village Galatians, to Messina, where he had fled after a few months. In September 2009, was again stopped by the investigators in Genoa and entrusted to a protected community from which it was removed once again. The last reporting to social services of the City of Letojanni dates back to February 2010, when Ruby 5123592464 62c25984fc o  Ruby: Sto molto male runs for the third time, this time in Milan before being stopped again by police when investigating a theft. And this, say some neighbors of the family, would be one of 'vice' of the young, previously suspected of having committed any pilferage.
AND RUBY 'sorry - The last time Ruby had been seen in Letojanni dated 25 April, during a rally motorcycle: the crowd of fans all had noted with heavy makeup and wearing clothes in the company of a lady about 45 years, she very beautiful and elegant. Since then no news of her more, until the name of that girl Moroccan , know that everyone in the country, has not appeared in the newspapers. together with that of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. And it is a few minutes ago his first statement ANSA: "'m sorry for what is happening. I'm sorry because I see mostly people who were involved who have helped me without asking anything in return . " I'm sick." Thus, in a faint voice, said Ruby, which is located in a town outside Milan , talking on the phone with the Ansa news agency. She added that these days many are still trying to contact you. " 'But I refused " he said, referring to the calls. " morning - he told the young - I deleted my profile from Facebook, around 10.30, I deleted" . The lawyer contacted anxiety Giuliante Luca said Ruby " need to stay calm because this is a very young girl involved in an affair older than her and that does not belong ".


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