Friday, October 29, 2010

Grecian Progressive Dye

Scientists will record our dreams

And if we could spy on dream experiences of others? A team of scholars grappling with the intricacies of the brain come to a conclusion: you can do.
largecover Gli scienziati registreranno i nostri sogni A team of scientists linked to the authoritative journal Nature has developed a system of "reading" of brain activity. Dr. Cerf Moran, a article of Telegraph, said that in particular the application the new system would be designed to the study of dreams , topic was the subject of speculation and theories but never in real trials. So far, the only way to enter into the content of dreams was to ask for information to patients in the waking state .
a concept, a neuron - What the Doctor Cerf wants to get is the view of dreams through the monitoring of brain activity: according to his research on the "administration" of various concepts corresponds to the activation of the same number of neurons members. Example: X neuron is activated when the patient thinks of Marilyn Monroe , the neuron is activated at the sight of Z Tour Eiffel. The patient through electrodes connected to the system installed in his brain through a surgical procedure rather invasive (quiet, no mice drilled for the occasion but patients being treated for combat seizures), may be "stripped " while sleeping, making visible to all the contents of his dreams. Obviously this is not telling anything new in terms of interpretation, this position was confirmed in an article of BBC by Dr. Roderick Oner, an expert on dreams and clinical psychologist.
THINK AN E-MAIL - Cerf is enthusiastic and optimistic and argues that research in this area are going at such a rate that will soon be able to view brain activity without drilling the brains of patients. "It would be nice to have access to the human mind, especially in those situations NEWS 1237378133 cervello Gli scienziati registreranno i nostri sogni situations where individuals are unable to communicate, as in cases of coma . (...) In the future, We could also start writing e-mail just thinking or be sued in the eyes of a flow of information only imagine. " But now we see limits of this perspective: think about it the amount of concrete and abstract concepts that can be evoked in a very short dream. The display of one of these is solely and exclusively to the extent that has been added to database through the preparatory phase on the sample. It matters little detect the activation of the neuron W if I do not know where this concept is bound to . This suggests that the road to the projection of dreams is still long and that dream remains a private experience. For now.


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