Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hepatitis B Is Curable

"never spied on Facebook" means the Postal Police denies Espresso

The specialized branch responds to the weekly reported today. There was talk of a deal with the most popular social network to arbitrarily spy on user profiles.
polizia postale6jpg 62373 Mai spiato su Facebook: la Polizia Postale smentisce lEspresso existence of a secret pact between Postal Italian Police and the biggest network of Social to spy arbitrarily, without the consent the judiciary, any page created by users of the peninsula. The sensational news, just announced expressively, with an article signed George Florian where there was talk of an agreement signed by the department managers and specialized Facebook , was promptly denied by Police.
SPIE BUT WHAT? - " Imagine if the police starts to spy on surfers Facebook - has said the central director of Postal Police Antonio Apruzzese - When the postal police or other bodies (police, financial police, etc. etc..) are conducting a survey on Facebook to intercept communications, always move with the permission of the judiciary. Also because 'Otherwise, everything you do not have any value of the case. In fact if they violate the network without authorization from the judiciary would be making a criminal offense . told L'Espresso a trip to the States executive department of the Italian police accused of trying to bypass 'judicial authority. " went to Palo Alto, in California - says the piece entitled "The police spy on Facebook" - and took away the first in Europe, a cooperation pact that provides for the possibility of activating an endless series of checks on the pages of Social network without having to make a request of the judiciary and allow the time required for an international letter rogatory .
FORBIDDEN PEEK - The weekly, which also shows anonymous confessions of "Carabinieri officer," an investigator in Milan "and an unidentified police source of communications, had spoke of "fast track " that the Italian digital detective might follow in their fight against child pornography to phishing scams and telematics. But the story of the mat is able to " open the doors of our homes without any virtual need permission from a prosecutor " is belied . "In early October - said Apruzzese - came to Italy after lengthy negotiations and contacts on Facebook makers at the highest level also accompanied by their lawyers and explained the procedures for requesting and obtaining access to the network for police and judicial affairs, especially in such cases, according to the Anglo-Saxon law, you may grant permissions. They explained point by point, we have provided guidelines and directives to all shot bodies Italian police. " For Italian users, in other words, do not worry. Your privacy will be violated. The 400 staff of the Directorate of the police investigation can not post freely peek and record almost 17 million profiles of our house.? It 's true that the permit will be required only in case of crimes against persons, property, suicide, homicide and organized crime? Maybe, but even if the trip to Palo Alto was denied the history of the police officer masquerading as a woman in order to catch any of the suspects is highly credible. And a denial of fact is not sufficient to erase it.


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