Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Do The Motorcycle Tire Numbers Mean

E 'right to forgive a pedophile priest because he is old?

New storm on the head of the Catholic Church Belgian, André-Joseph Leonard, who yesterday asked for clemency for the retired priests who have committed abuses.
From socialist to liberal Flemish-speaking, many people are having these 'outraged' to statements by the head of the Catholic Church Belgian André-Joseph Leonard photo 1287575750727 1 0  E giusto perdonare un prete pedofilo perché è vecchio? that would absolve those who have committed abuses, provided they are no longer in service.
JUSTICE NOT 'Revenge - The proposed Leonard writes RTL info, is "unacceptable for the two Socialist deputies members of the Special Commission for pedophilia in the Church. Leonard said he ordered the older priests would exert a kind of "revenge ", but according to the Socialists and Karine Lalieux Valerie Deom , " do justice does not mean revenge." "Once again - according to the deputies - Leonard tries to make the victims feel guilty and to exert pressure that would cause you not to ask for more justice to be done, as it is their right" . Leonard is not, they said the Socialists, who must give indications on the conviction or not, but must be " the justice of men" to take its course and to determine any penalties.
RAISE THE PRESCRIPTION FOR ABUSE - "particularly shocked " the Flemish Liberals " Justice is a matter of the State in which a clergyman should not intervene pxy 40844801 37103071 256 4707546  E giusto perdonare un prete pedofilo perché è vecchio? , "said the deputies Carina Van Cauter and Sabien Lahaye-Battheu , authors of a bill to raise to 30 years prescription for the crime of sexual abuse of minors. Leonard has been repeatedly criticized for ignoring the many complaints of victims of abuse by priests in Belgium.
COMMISSION OF INQUIRY - Meanwhile, House is preparing to appoint a special commission on sexual abuse within the Church. This committee should not listen to the victims but try to find ways to accommodate better their complaints. The special committee will be composed of 13 members. It will focus sexual abuse and pedophilia in a relationship of authority, especially within the church and may be transformed into a Commission of Inquiry if there will be no need.


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