Monday, November 15, 2010

Burn After Brazilian Wax

Italy Raffaele Lombardo, the League of the South: "The Unification of Italy has damaged"

The President of the Region of Sicily, in an interview to talk about the Federal Government Reform and "Roman yoke." And remember the time Senatùr.
"If then had created a centralized federal government and Sicily would have saved so many tragedies, migration to the plunder of wealth. It 's not been a Raffaele%20Lombardo%20parla%20al%20microfono Raffaele Lombardo, il leghista del sud: LUnità dItalia ci ha danneggiato deal for us, the unification, we just came under the yoke of Roman centralism. that now must end. " He says in an interview with Reformist President of the Regione Siciliana, Raffaele Lombardo.
THE REVIEW OF THE YELLOW PREMIER - " A true party of the territory, partly on its own apart from umbilical cords should close with the national parties. You can not claim to be part of the territory and then to be inseparably tied to Rome, and in particular with Silvio Berlusconi ". It 's a real tug of war employed by the Lombard Force South, The party created a few days ago by Gianfranco Micciche and that would represent the southern parts, which supports and helps the premier, balancing the presence of the allied Northern League. "It is not credible - sends word Lombardo - refer to the history of the autonomy Sicilian after the experiment Silvio Milazzo, Sicily, I have never seen again, the movements of real autonomy. Also, today being with Berlusconi wants to be with the League and Bossi, not with the South Force South is "yellow union" of the Prime Minister will try to slow down in Sicily and the fall of votes of the PDL, which the Colonels made only of evil, the party of Berlusconi. The truth is that, pending the final explosion, the PDL Sicilian is imploding, Micciché tries to stop the bleeding, but will not succeed. I damage done by colonels Beriusconi are irreparable. "
THE LOMBARDO C-BEATS CASH IN ROME - After rejected without appeal Force South, the government leader Mp Lombardo -c states: "The experiment so far it works and it is an experience that will make school. On a national level. The hard core consists of Mpa, Fli, UDC and Bees, plus an agreement with the Democratic Party that is purely programmatic. And the Democratic Party is proving to be fair, in supporting the junta . Back then to invite the government to release the funds Fas : "Now we have to hoax. The CIPE has been approved by a year, but still await the decrees. And we're talking about four billion and 313 million euro deal with emergencies while Sicily dramatic, from the hydrogeological waste problem. " They seem far away are the days when the return of the dossier on the table Fas CIPE in 2009 had pacified the minds of separatists in the PDL with the route, so much so that even exult Gianfranco Micciche: "It is a victory that I am extremely pleased , "said the secretary who was driving dissatisfied with the patrol of the Sicilians.


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