Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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Scazzi Sarah, Valentina Misseri: "My father told me things sensational "The

's sister Sabrina talks about conversation with Michael in jail. "It 's very experienced, emaciated and depressed"
291530759 Sarah Scazzi, Valentina Misseri: Mio padre mi ha detto cose clamorose ' I have not asked him anything. Pope 'and' very experienced, emaciated and depressed, wanted to speak and I heard: I said very important things, sensational, I have to report to Colonel Russell and the magistrates'. Cosi ' Misseri Valentina, Sabrina sister and daughter of Michele , both in prison for the murder of Sarah Scazzi , in an interview with Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno .
"MUST TELL THE TRUTH '- The larger of the two daughters, who that August 26, the day of the death of Sarah , was in Rome, and not to Avetrana in the province of Taranto , and' was twice to see his father in prison who immediately after his arrest and before he was involved in her sister Sabrina was very hard. 'Papa' to tell the whole truth ', says the newspaper Apulian-we do not we want to influence them, but we do not accept that trying to influence someone else, we are interested in the truth, 'cause I am convinced that the truth' helps Sabrina '. Valentina and his mother Cosima have always maintained that it was to kill Sarah Michelle Misseri alone, and Sabrina has been summoned by his father unfairly. In recent days, the attorney office Michele, Daniel Gallop, revealed that the same Valentina had called him to tell him that it was in prison and asked his father if he would continue to be assisted by him. Also a brother of Michael, Carmine, who lives in Manduria, 'in a telegram - adds the newspaper - urged him to choose another lawyer replacing Daniel Gallop, appointed by the court '.


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