Sunday, November 7, 2010

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Travaglio: "Berlusconi is blackmailed by at least thirty years"

"How many can still keep in check Berlusconi? As we will govern blackmailed by a prime minister? "If you ask Without newspaper columnist.
New rumors by the prosecutor of Milan filter make statements Ruby, the Moroccan who had a sexual relationship with a fee Silvio Berlusconi, when he was still a minor. A girl who would know about hot Silvio stor 11859899 02510 Travaglio: Berlusconi è ricattabile da almeno trentanni details, enough to blackmail, and it is not the whole story is a frame, set up on purpose to seek visibility, or simply put Berlusconi in difficulty . "What's new?" Asks today Marco Travaglio knowing Daily: "There are at least thirty years that Berlusconi is blackmailed" .
blackmail and poison - This is not gossip, "says the reporter of Turin, everyone has the right to conduct private it deems most appropriate, but the consequences , then, must be endured. "B. is free to get to his house all the girls he wants and do whatever he wants, provided that the subjects are in agreement. And, of course, provided that they are not committed crimes and B. there were to be blackmailed. The two matters, among others, are linked: if one commits a crime, but also morally or politically indecent behavior, those who know them keep it in check and can ask him anything to monetize their silence ", writes Travaglio: and it would be precisely the case of Ruby. But, in fact, it would only the last episode, only the last of the people who know something that Silvio Silvio might not know to please you: and blackmail. Since the distant '90s, in which the entrepreneur then Milan was actually threatened by the Mafia, ready to kidnap the children "I send my children to America because I have made extortion ... so bad ... I happened on other occasions, ten years ago and came back out ... ... they told me that if by a certain date does not make the stuff, I handed the head of my son with me and expose the body in the Piazza del Duomo ... If I were sure to get this stuff from the ball, I would pay peaceful, so at least not more breaking his balls ". This is Berlusconi in 1998, caught as he talks with Renato Valley. 1998, Berlusconi is therefore marco travaglio Travaglio: Berlusconi è ricattabile da almeno trentanni already in politics, but something was wrong in 1994, recalls Travaglio: "In March '94, when he became chairman of the Council, the consultant Ezio Cartotto witnessing an outburst of Dell'Utri:" Silvio does not understand that should thank me because if I open my mouth I ... ". And again, Vito Ciancimino that threatened to "get out of my reserve that lasts for years" and begin talking, if they had not been resolved his legal problems edegli friends of friends, and if B. had not "made available one of its TV networks" for the need to " finally, the ambiguous messages Prison Radio , with unhappy mobsters for the treatment accorded by the President of the Council which had confided .
wild night - And then, the women : the many women who "have done and seen something about B. and could tell it to the highest bidder ". Like the time Berlusconi was forced to call Saccà to fix one of the handsome as it had approached, and that for admission of Berlusconi, was becoming "dangerous" : it was Antonella Troise . Or, when Berlusconi eventually caught up with Virginia Sanjust , "the young TV ads, according to a court in Rome, had" entered into a close relationship "with sentimental B" , and her husband had taken to blackmail the Premier. Last but not least, Noemi and Patrick: Regarding the first, the family has something to do well. He never convinced "the strange familiarity of B. with the parents of a minor Letizia, who summoned him to the party for 18 years girl and he flies , just as dangerous could be "the D'Addario, with all that he knows and has seen the good nights at Palazzo Grazioli, but luckily for him he did not and told all the judges' . In short, close Travaglio: "The question that has nothing to do with gossip and much with politics, is simple: how many other people are able to blackmail B.? And we will govern until a premier blackmail? "


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