Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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government Vendola: Gino Strada Don Ciotti, here are the ministers

Palazzo Chigi is still far away, but the governor of Puglia has head in the winning team. He spoke last night in the episode of the Matrix.
few names of many politicians and civil society in what could be the government from Vendola by Lorella Zanardo author a book on the bodies of beautiful women, Carlin Petrini, founder of Slow Food, Gino Strada, who has an idea of \u200b\u200bforeign policy without nichi vendola critica parlamentari gay Il fanta governo di Vendola: da Gino Strada a don Ciotti, ecco i ministri wagons armed, and Don Luigi Ciotti , Free protagonist in the fight against drug trafficking. If you had won this in the primary and if he does win the election, Vendola have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwho to contact to form the government: " should stop to consider that politicians are born in the factory policy."
ALLIANCES - " E 'unbearable - continues Nichi - policy that its soup kitchen inside the building. Alliances are after, you must first say what Italy needs reform culture. I - concluded Vendola - can well form an alliance with the center, there must be no bias between left and center, but I want to first talk about the idea that life needs of the country. From alliances is politicistico . And the assumption of a Pd close to Finian, said: " Fini did not come out by the center for passing through the center-right has left to found another, more libertarian, more Gaullist, more European. I look carefully and with respect to Fini, but from here you can not imagine Gianfranco Fini in recruiting center, until yesterday that he claimed descent from Almirante. It would be unfair for him and for us . On Casini, however, and in connection with alliances, "I have no prejudice to discuss with Casini, indeed I challenged to confront his subjects of social interest: the people of ' Family day 'and the people of VAT, the heart of center is very dear to Casini. These people now feel the wonder and Berlusconi as something to get rid .
BERLUSCONI THE RED - And those who compare the Prime Minister sends word: "I Berlusconi the red? E 'income that makes the difference. But the biggest difference between me and Mr Berlusconi is in terms of language. Berlusconi cleared through customs, a language vaguely pornographic, hunting has a language about women. This continuous performance of a male erection in public language, is one of the maximum degradation of public life. " concludes, the governor of Terlizzi with a message on the recent controversy about his homosexuality: "The gay in Parliament is often, but do not declare themselves because they are hypocrites, are whitewashed tombs, including others are blackmailed. I'm sorry for those who live in hiding his condition. One that does the Parliamentary Assembly should have the courage to say .


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