Monday, November 1, 2010

Wordlock Combination List

Kidnapping Abu Omar: 12 years asked for Nicolò Pollari

Judgement heavy for the former director of the Earthquakes since 2007 on trial along with CIA agents. The prosecutor: "Be extremely serious."
pollari Sequestro Abu Omar: chiesti 12 anni per Nicolò Pollari The Attorney General of Milan Piero De Petris the appeal process for the kidnapping of Abu Omar asked the sentence to 12 years imprisonment for ; Nicolò Pollari , SISMI director at the material time, and 10 years Marco Mancini, an official of that Service. The prosecution asked for 12 years in prison for Jeff Castelli, CIA chief in Italy. 10 per Bob Seldon Lady . For all other agents of the CIA, the representative of Public Prosecutions has called for a sentence of 8 years.
extremely serious' - For the deputy prosecutor is a matter of "extreme gravity " that hurt the "conscience of the international community . "The 'extraordinary rendition' - said De Petris - have seriously hurt the conscience of the whole community 'international . They are "made of extreme gravity 'because' offend the very foundations of the rule of law . The PG said he believed " there are extenuating reasons for granting the defendants, given the high intensity 'of pain. It should be considered of particular relevance when it comes to criminal non-value, the position of those who had a power of decision-. At first instance, the Court had declared not to proceed against Pollari and Mancini state secret.
DEFENSE - The reaction of Pollari's defense was not long to wait. " The request for a sentence of 12 years imprisonment for General Pollari does not take into account the findings trial, "said Nicola Madia, former director of Earthquakes defender. " Intoltre the pg does not recognize that Pollari has indicated 88 documents where there is evidence of his innocence and that are covered by state secrecy ", tells the attorney.


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