Friday, November 5, 2010

Como Se Usa Color Remover De Goldwell

Parliament of gold: "Ten more, one hundred million one"

be easy to calculate: there is the Messenger. Budget submitted (one billion euro), divided laws passed by both Houses in one year (ten), the amount is easily done.
That Parliament was now paralyzed , we wrote in these pages yesterday: approved only ten laws in a year, with the chambers reduced to subscribers and converters bills government, which, among other things parlamento Parlamento doro: Dieci leggi, cento milioni luna not even come anymore. All still in Parliament, everything stopped except money: it is the Messenger , today, to make two calculations. In fact, very easy .
total paralysis - "Since the budget approved earlier this year" , writes Mario Ajello, "says Montecitorio costs the Treasury a one billion euro a year, means that each of these laws - including administrative expenses, salaries for parliamentarians and employees, and money to operate the electronic voting equipment and so on - has cost about 100 million euro ". The reasoning seems to make a wrinkle, as the Parliament's work is precisely to operate at higher speed can the legislative power , if they have the money, and these results, there really think that evil. Also because some of these laws, have an uncertain fate : Ajello this out. Lots of money was really just a price , for example, "for the law on the legal impediment that perhaps now the Constitutional Court will block?" . While other of these laws can hardly be presented as "executive success" , since they were imposed obligations "in the Constitution or Europe, as the General Account of the State or the Community Law 2009". So says the Messenger, "paralysis is" .
a good opportunity - "Also because" , continues the newspaper of the Capital , " in a Parliament in which over 190 bills since the beginning of the legislative initiative is only 17 Parliamentary (0.48 of the total), four are mixed-initiative, while the 169 has submitted to the Government and by-laws are no less than 62, is from before the summer holidays because you no longer from the rooms of the executive decree of any type to be put to the vote and approve ". What are you going to do the deputies in the courtroom? No one should be: however, the salary rightful. "This would be enough data to document the stalemate of the chambers. Reduced to-nothing - in fact now Montecitorio closes for two weeks - because Parliament has become, at best, a branch of Palazzo Chigi ". Everything stopped, everything stopped since "Berlusconi's government issued its final decree, on the Tirrenia Energy. Since then, nothing. A very new situation, which explains the significant inactivity of the chambers. Which includes text, in an impressive manner, the timing of this current week. Hath been worked in the Hall of the House, only on Tuesday October 2nd. And for what? To protect pets, ". And the House Speaker Gianfranco Fini exclaims: " Unless the government does not present any decree, there is a risk of paralysis of the House! " Well now the ' opportunity is there. " Yesterday, while" concludes Ajello, "the conference of leaders to set a timetable Montecitorio respectable, at least on paper. On November 22 we will discuss the motion on the Bersani reform the tax system, by November 23 will address the reform of universities, from 29 of the transfer of Consob from Rome to Milan and then the law to ban plastic breast for minors. " We'll see.


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