Friday, June 6, 2008

Dried Cranberry Lysine Vs Aragaine

before the end of the fourth year in Barcelona. -1


Formally, today, ending questions, grade point averages and stupid decisions on those who
going to live to finish. Formally, let
2 shortcomings, but honestly I do not care that much.
Secretly, it was revealed that I was admitted (including class) exams.
grade point averages are not very consistent left serious doubts on the work of prof.
But this better not hear it, never hear it.
Today was a beautiful day, a hundred of them, but unfortunately I mene formally grant just one more tomorrow, then it's time for greetings and good wishes.

But first, let's talk about what was the end of fourth year:

We get to ride in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe left 10 or April 11.
We were accompanied by Di Tano, young and horny prof.Testa (I always said that the "head! Fuck!?") And the ultra prof.rimorchione and fifty who are young and dressed like us, the prof.De Simone.quando arrived at the airport we were all Happily, however, excited.

Chek-in, baggage, line, plane, shuttle, aereo.Mi sat near the window that gave the right wing, mounted on a Ryan air and 737 of partivavamo from Ciampino to a time that ranged, if I recall, between 4 and 5.
Well the fact is that was one of the first times I saw one, actually a UFO, which also saw another girl and said, "but what the hell is that? You saw?", Had disappeared in the clouds, it was a moment, replied quietly, "Yeah, I've seen."
We arrived early morning in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bit was raining a little, sky plumbeo.Riprendemmo luggage and off we went by bus to the hotel in Lloret de Mar, which is a about Oretta from Barcelona.
Well beyond that cloudy morning, the trip was sunny, almost.
What a beautiful Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJames and I split it with laughter, not to mention the gaff by Titian and Livio. In
bus trip ever saw a hotel shaped like a dick, really, James called him the hotel condom, I do not know if you Remember me.
We saw the most expensive hotel in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe saw the festival family, visit the "MNAC" an art museum where there was everything.With guide, Raphael, who said at least six times on a simple phrase speech "In the towns of Barcelona .." then we went a couple of times on the Ramblas, Diagonal! the mega Mercatone covered! madòòò many memories, it was really nice, everything.
The square opposite the Hard Rock Cafe turned Moolto pussy, and that gnooocca, James and I were pretty stupid when they passed the groups of mega inglesotte bbona, not to mention the sensual English phrase "forgive me" who said the local girls when "accidentally" bumped the fucking raga!
visited the hard rock, it was beautiful.

visited many churches, with Titian and Jacopo went anywhere, really, we miss the narrow streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwith Tiziano Kefia then bought the original of that stank, stank of feed for chickens.
One day I went boldly and Titian to view the exhibition free of charge by Salvador Dali.
I opened a drawer and a sculpture by Dali, Okay, here begins another story.
We came to see the whole thing and as usual, with everyone else, we returned to the bus that was constantly driven by drivers who were assholes and complaining about everything.
We went to the giant underwater aquarium, Mammamia, I remember a unique event, I passed near the glass of a giant fish tank that contained a lot of ocean, and many sharks. Well
passing slowly approached me one of those sharks, at least 8 meters long, and looked at me with the eye, I also watched him, we looked at both, and slowly, in parallel proceed slowly, staring at me, I do not know what he thought Pescioni that, I know except that a sea of \u200b\u200bpeople began to take pictures, then the shark went away sene, perhaps because I had met one of the many sharks that prey have become predators themselves.
we left, we went back to the hotel.
made myself the next to last exit, I think, if I remember correctly, going to visit the park Guel, made by Gaudi, really bello.Poi back in town, we went into the streets and churches, leading to a square, pioviccicava.Incontrammo some guys without head, ie genes clothes Minichini without heads, we just burst in laughter, and we made myself a memorable photo

We went back to the bus, we were all met, I continually robbed and negozzietti ogi città.Però the time we returned to the hotel destroyed my feet, blisters on vesciche.La night came and we went on the beach where the sand and big waves ate fracicavano 2 idiots, Titian because he wrote too close to shore, because James wanted to take a bath with the water of nearly 10 degrees and at least 3 meters high waves, fortunately the conviction to do shit, io.A night we went dancing in a disco, a nightclub, the "hollywood" , Simplify the spettacolare.Peccato that there was an invasion made in Naples.

arrived at the hotel the day before, the Italian mammocci, but little girls stood out in the third year of Genoa very beautiful, infattoi the disco were the prey Neapolitans.

the evening, in the room, run the cinematic masterpieces that you all know. (As main actors: James and I, sound director: Livio, director: Tiziano, directed by Francis James, Titian and Livy.) Night fell The last, we went to a club, we discovered that it was a pub where he gave music mui rocckettaro buena.Conoscemmo them boys in Sicily, that they stayed in another hotel, we did say arrivarci.Ballammo like rock music, as poghammo addannati, then began to wander a bit tipsy in the company of Titian and Dorothy Livio, wandering with bottles of wine stolen dall'hote, I drank a lot and James, a lot.

For some we were alone, me and sweet, this time completely drunk, it was about 2 am and did not know where we were, indeed was tragicomic situazione.Jacopo fell continuously as he liked, so I picked it up but then went along with him, then, to be drunk, began to roam streets increasingly impervie.Ridevamo of continuity, that is trying to say something sensible, but nothing, the first word burst out laughing (and fall lands). In a way there's a guy offered to buy ERAB, do not accept that's it.

Then, in total delirium tremens conscious / unconscious, there was the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to see the Sicilians, who were near them (maybe). I made myself do not know how the fuck you get in the room of Sicily, just remember we went to hurry looking to the serious and go unnoticed, then I remember uncerto Salvo, one of those who told us "oh but those of you ub oh raga from which I bring to your room! been unbriachi fuck eh!" pruned in the room telling us, however, not to make noise.

entered, the room lay all'nterno death Moolto bottles of liquor super hyper, I clung to one of them, James first downed another bottle then I went out on the balcony and pretended like to climb over a wall, everything assurdo.Nel chaos in stunned laughter of Sicily, we were brought into the hall, I think that the Sicilians want us to know the girls in their class, but as soon as they opened the prota entrance chamber of the latter, we were chased away, immediately, instantly.

Salvo and others said it was coming their prof. so it was better that I should go out to James and shit, they took us to the runway outside the hotel, coem2 stupid we were alone again, there, left the road at 3 and a half notte.Jacopo fell to the ground, I as well. Pi remember that both we fell to the ground in the middle of the highway, still drunk.

Then I remember that we started to come back (to return) mah) to the hotel, we thought that was the right direction, and then made myself 3 or 4 rounds of way always coming back to a point already seen, however, turns on the giri.poi 'drunkenness became heavy, state "excited" state reached before the complete Sbragia We add us to wake up, then launch our serrnade painless body against the iron of the garage, the noise deafened, and laughed.

failed (I do not know how) to return to the hotel, but first knocked down a nice kawasaki 1000, brand new, run away, we were almost there.

Latest perhaps to return at 4, there, in the warm hotel Llort de mar.Riuscimmoad get into the hall, made myself a little noise, then Amber came out of a bedroom and Dorothy, still awake, because consolation (I think .. boh) to Marika L, because of the new relationship with Gccione Riande of merda.ANche sveglia.Ricordo Arianna was just Jacob, once rrivato in the corridor, threw himself on the ground, dead, drunk and sleepy, the last phase had come, but I still do not let go of the rope.

Then I let go, then fell land and we came to help Amber, and I think Dorothy and Dorothy Arianna.Ambra lifted me up, saying "but you see these two, that is being lost, drunken fracichi" I brought in 2 in shoulder, Dorothy on the way to the room said "Brother what mortacci weights!" ggiunse and Amber "by missing a little." I do not know who brought James.

I found myself in bed, a seal light illuminated Dorothy I undid my shoes (I swear that Amber and Dorothy behaved coem if they were my two sisters, was exceptional..) He arranged Amber Jacopo.Poi remember the phrase "and mo metteteve to sleep, and not more battered balls eh, shut the porta.Jacopo slept, I I was still half awake, I still afree some shit, then taken to Jacopo pizza, for neither would wake up or feel pain.


The next morning I awoke early, had about half past five, all the dormivano.Era ultmo giorno.Ricordo that went into the hole, no one was there, then went into dining room, where there were bouffe for breakfast, I remember that I went back and looked over the large windows that looked out on a balcony, in turn, gave us a fantastic view of the sea far away from them a few hundred in all metri.Arrivò Suddenly, a seagull, grande.Era beautiful, is intrigued APPROACH to the glass, I remained motionless, I saw him approaching, the glass separava.Arrivò them there beside me and began to guardarmi.Poi began to beat her beak on the glass, as to call me, at least for 5 minutes in a row stood there, looking at me and beat beak, for fear that I might fly away, do not I set out, I stood, I was looking at him, trying to figure out what she wanted from me, from me.

Then he turned and walked to the balcony, and then indifferent, I opened my wings and fly away to the mare.Pensavo, I felt strange, davvero.Che wanted from me? END OF THE STRANGE.

I went back to the mess hall, ate in a private room for private breakfast, croissants with nutella and whipped cream, ace, cafe, spagniuli to your face.

At 8 am all awake and ready, already told you the night out with James doing casino.Con the bus headed to a town outside Lloret, always the sea.

Then, over that beautiful white sandy beach, there was the inside of citizenship, we visited a bit, then went back to bus.Non remember where we were after, but remember that at 8 o'clock we returned them, in the large airport, we left the guide, Raphael, leaving "the capacity of barcelona.

We got on the plane who were 10 or 11, back near the window, again near the wing della'ereo. We left on April 16, with the flight, the 737 Ryan Air, you see the back of the ticket here.

leave Barcelona, \u200b\u200bleft Spain, leaving the other Europe, returning to Italy, in the beautiful country, Ciampino fonda.A night and I did not see even a shadow, not a policeman, not a financier, not an audit, it was spectral Ciampino, really did feel, well, Benev in Italy!. tornamo when I finished everything in front of the Lyceum. Ah

art school, I very nearly dellartistico nostalgia, perhaps today was a beautiful day, a memorable day almost as much as 22 December, the epic 22 dicembre.Quanto time has passed.

I do not know if they'll talk about today, maybe I'll keep everything to me, man is selfish.

only know However, it will be a good end, the end.



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