Saturday, June 7, 2008

How Did Andy Sixx Get His Name

was a good end, the end.

Yesterday ended formally at the Art College.

Today, ends up in full, all, everything has an end, or almost.

travel in a bus I met Anastasia, I would say that very rarely, we talked about this and that, the examinations and the dissertation, and I greeted on arrival, for the last time, hello.

So I got to old and eight to the usual route, meeting other friends, the surveyor, who had taken the bus before mio.Mi felt obliged to take some pictures, so, not so much lose them, because they too are Nettuno.Approposito, today John He made the dear age of 18, is the guy in the middle above the nose of Julian (the one with the lace), opposite Macciocchi and Fabrizio, who smokes his camel.

After that I went to do as Jesus did, the last breakfast (eccerto, breakfast, then lunch, then the last dinner, which otherwise is fine) at the bar, which is not made from milk and fish, as in his time but is / cappuccino and croissant ace / cannoli with crema.Al bar come and join me, Jacob and Martha, the Fabiola Giulia.Pago duo-breakfast with James and Martha, we go out, I'm half past eight approx. then off to art school, the way we meet Serena.

all I see when I enter, do not lose a mene / una.Arriviamo in the classroom, and in three we find that no one is beyond us, that no one will come when the rest preferred to stay at home, I love my classe.Non was not even the prof.Di Monaco, that is, but if it were not for us who wandered aimlessly in the school meets while smoked slowly a Marlboro, you miss us in calcolava.Serena President shall mean the average rating, credit points and the bla bla bla prof.Lisi.Poi go in the fourth C, the class that will receive the inheritance, nostra.Erano almost all, impressive, and even worked in painting, and on and on throughout the school, people did question the last minute to save his estate.Passa a while, the air heats up, the excitement grows in that class, so hang with the prof.Caporro (the man who said a year ago "that is, if you put a little more than Terrossa no, because if it is variegated with purple eh .."). You do make a photos, a souvenir photo.

Then, near the 11, Serena andarsene.La accompany you decide down the garden, we say goodbye, a hug, see you on the esami.Risalgo, I have lost James, who runs for school Antonio.Passo time to turn to school, to pass the finger while walk on walls, cosi.Mi forget to say goodbye for the last time the prof.Del Re.Passo fifth in D, where Titian plays guitar and Livio gives the time, John is somewhere to try one last time with some, by force, otherwise it would not be lui.Giovanni is the Neapolitan gym, all the classic muscle enough.

Then came Jacob, and many people, is the bright idea to lie down on Titian Jacopo Meks meter behind the hall with the sounds they chitarra.Lo

Tiziano So play the guitar, but a teacher. will come out of an empty class and will complain, over.Il beautiful game came after 10 minutes, the air we breathe knows water, gavettoni.Eros and Daniel, two guys in the third D (Daniel is mad electrocuted, and I say I), begin to fill balloons with water (not pee) and tirarli.Arriva and President, who s'inghazz'co'tutt'quantQuindi rentriamo in the classroom, surrounded by the armed escort we Lisi, Lisi enter and runs away, then torna.Bé cominciamoa talk to the prof., only us, we do soli.Poi a photo, a photo, even if you Lisi present at the examination.

Lisi Exit, go in the office, so he says, though James and I support the thesis of the private party in the presidency, but this is another of our history (if only we I think I tajo laughter). Here begins a series of water balloon, I go out, I lose James, Eros steal balloons, fill them, I get the old rusty and choice of emergency, I see all vedu all, I have power down ' cieli.Punto top of a case, people under the ground floor in the garden talking, so I do fire and Eros, ciafff ciafff ciafff.

say was a wild day that much water, and was beautiful, I enjoyed it ... I'm sorry all, you readers, but I think that soon I can not write anymore, because bitterness full of pathos.

Arrival at the end: in the garden were all there, we went out at 12.38, and everybody gavettonavano.Tra orgazinnate ambushes by Felix / Antonio I was hit by balloons by Eros, and then respond with a water bottle on Jacopo and Macciocchi because other data had to bravely continue my fuga.Iper fracico battaglia.Bé come forward to uscire.Per whom the bell tolls? for the Spaniards, not for us, to us it is the campanella.Eccoci here, all that out, all baganti, carers and wet all the latest felici.Si give greetings to those who do not I'll never see again.

Gonna move on to the bus, greeting Star for the last time, then we are meeting again, the boys of the school of art: me, James, Anthony, John, Livio, Felicetto; Tiziano is already gone, there beaks to examinations Tiz.Poi us decide to go to the last picture on the wall of concrete that divides the bus from the road, because there, written with a bvomboletta, there is the phrase most brilliant I have ever read.

John argues that the writing is at least 6 years, we believe, because he is running around 7 (John participated in the founding of the crossbow art school). It will later time passes and leaves nothing behind, except for the sabbia.Pian plan after one and a half, Sene will leave everyone, greeting Macciocchi that will own the bus 1 and mezzo.Poi, slowly, it's up to James, leaves also Livio lui.Và away saying "you're a cojone!" water balloon as it is without wanting to Julie (who wanted to bathe, as if I were not already). John will go away, go away Antonio, then I'll stay and Felice, who will make me company along with Julia, Marta (tuna), Fabian and Martina until 2.Ma first come fracicato by Fabiola, fell into a well-planned ambush by Marta. Of course, since I am terribly vindictive, to steal the water Giulia And I'm running for those who I have fracicare incastrato.Sarà all very beautiful, so "unreal" I feel like dire.Felice senes go, but I can not say goodbye, but sometimes we see the plan go away esami.Piano everyone greeting Giulia I do not know if I shall see, then it's up to Martin, then, finally, Fabiola.

stay I Tonna and waiting for the bus and the 2 mezza.Quindi comes, we go on the bus, the last ticket COTRAL stamp (I compratomil business that stingy Jacopo).

And then the long journey home.

Do you know which station get out? To dear old Tamoil (the name comes from the gas station), where I took the bus the first year.

The early years.

Francesco Olivieri, class Vc


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