Thursday, June 5, 2008

Herpes Vs Genital Warts

recalling the fourth year of high school, that the golden comeback in the third. -2

(in photo two gay men who were fences in the fourth year, and Antonio Guccione)
The fourth year of art school was really exciting, really, because some hated the prof fuck sene went. Martella (descriptive geometry) being replaced by ultramilionaria baena prof.Picozza, and caciottaro be nice, a little bit because the layering revealed to us that it was his last year with us, then would be retired, a little because in the May c ' was the trip europa.Dall 'elder went the other hand the great prof.Antocicco (chemistry) being replaced by a teacher, a graduate (very young) in physics, chemistry and nuclear physics, was the prof.Fuoco, a tall bespectacled ugly and very hairy, but it was nice (I would almost say stupid, indeed, must be, because with all those degrees in the worst crashes into high school Latin perilous artistic).

We were still intact in the classroom, of course we lost someone from years past, but more or less we were still descendants of the "C" to dominate the class, which has now become a mixture of sections.

By the way, I forgot to say that in the third year prof.Vezzoso (a dwarf made fun of constantly by the legendary prof.d 'architecture mullet) left us abdicating the throne flame red or red light of the high school, prof.Di Tano. (flame red: indicates both its adherence to the far left (far?) is the color (dyed) hair fire red)

Vetrugno still taught us , and we were happy, I still could not get ingame it was better to study philosophy, a little to spare the figures of shit with the genius to be a bit more for me.

The lessons went well with the fire, put 6 as well if you had studied all over the world.

We were happy, really, the first 2-3 months holding the boot, then the fire left us because he realized that after all his hard-earned three degrees were worth more than the low all'ìartistico teaching, he decided so going to work in a private school.

pro.Celestino took over, an Apulian evil, frustrated veteran of other prof.universitari frustrated, and it shows.

Vetrugno fell in love with Celeste, and months later gave them to complain about the class (maybe it was true, why had not studied), was dominated by women Vetrugno chemistry with pointed roofs. (Thanks to those boobs, James did fugura a mega shit at the beginning of the first day of teaching with it, said "oh but you saw between the nipples of the prof?, you see, I stood in silence as the entire class, echoing the words on the walls, from that day the prof. parried explained by an arm of the view bowls.)

year flowed Well, we were still happy, but things were not right for someone, like the couple that broke up Marika-Guccione, then came the votacci Anthony and Arianna with vegetables followed by Lilya Hugh Coluzzi. In May

made myself gita.Domani tell the last part of the fourth year, see you all.



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