Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Free Hbo Cathouse Isabella Sorpano Vidoes

James says that I have a voice as a singer, I say that James should pull out the balls

today Tiziano read the post for the third year, today I saw Di Tano pale as a corpse, now I'm back in the car with prof.Simonetti speaking in Macera's journey and its pointless and shallow as well as stupid insegnamento.Oggi we marched the votes of people who were in class, I think
come up with 80 or more: Serena, Dorothy and James, I think. According
me out with 70-75: Laura, Marika L, Amber, Genny
I think come up with 65-69: Marika P Annalory
In my opinion I do not go out, well, we'll see.

ps: Tomorrow, the decisive hour, I hope that apple send the case well.
ps: now I have told the joke of tuna and tuna that they fall in love, in which the tuna tuna invites her home for a romantic dinner, but the tuna in the kitchen by mistake cut with a bread stick, the most beautiful girls of Art College laughs, I laugh, maybe.



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