Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why Is My Urine So Yellow

-3, past memories of the third year (the second did not remember it)

When the fat old sun sets in the sky

The last light of day disappears

comes the big blind

And you're there, lying in your bed

not make noise

lift your feet off the

bed and if you listen when night falls hot this summer

a distant voice sings a song for me that you love

because that song is me.

apartment today that almost 12 die of heart attacks, because a nice long chat with Fabiola, which is now really over belonging, belonging to all, I see almost time to finish to suffer.

The second year of high school artists was sterile and somewhat fast, it was the fleeting passage, and still held the tutto.La much crap was the third year, quest'annno really changed us radically to me and to James.

comedian to say that the third was the year of change because they chose to stay in the address in the address and then complete the sutdi: pittura.Perché chose?

Because even James decided cosi.Ero stupid, hyperactive, James did what he was doing it too, maybe because I had finally found a friendly person who knew how to fuck my way and always make time to laugh ridere.Stavamo James and I, always.

Third lost materials as stupid biology (prof.Ferrarese, an idiot with a bang) right (prof.Faiola, an H-bomb in a figurative sense) and disciplines plastics (prof.Ciccareli, an old bastard). Then took over subjects such as philosophy (prof.Vetrugno), chemistry (prof.Antocicco)

and descriptive geometry (prof.Martella).

Now Vetrugno (medium height, bald, face unspeakable) was a genius, really, but sbagliai not to follow his lessons, not to study the matter that was beautiful ancient philosophy, abagliai, intrigues and realized only too late, when at the end of the quarter sostituirono.Vetrugno was really a genius, I remember his speech pugliese-sardo/siciliana was a tajo that being. bursting with vitality and virility, see for example the lack of knickers continues under the jeans, you could see the balls that was a beauty, I still remember the laughter that we used in class others.

A chemical Antocicco took over, a tall bespectacled little hair and serious, or at least so we thought it was the first tempi.Antocicco you find a good teacher is able to create a good Raport between himself and the students, thanks to the ingenious explanations which nobody understood, of course it was all said is a repetition of the wording, PEO was fine cosi.Poi explanations of moles and molecules or oxoacids acids were replaced with examples of bologna sandwiches or sweets, bah.

A descriptive geometry took over a Martella.Capimmo outset that it was a big prick, unable to explain, unable to capire.Questa kind of super-mario with breath that reeked of shit (not really a joke was shit) no one had 6, or the few they had some help though with the same (driven by old acquaintances dates). Maybe I went unpleasant, it is a fact that reminded me always, always yelling, always say "but is not possible! " or "eehhhh! So What !!?". face fuck, he contributed to my downfall.

A mathematics teacher took over a new, old and decrepit and napoletana.Era and stubborn bitch / shit prof.Margotta.Bassa, fuck face, saying "I'm the bitch" in Braille in fronte.Sempre a tease, always call me, because James was the darling of the class and I was his faithful companion that I was always taken in bad nadava chest accadesse.Andavo anything wrong with math, a little bit because I hated her already even though the first year with the prof.Palmieri I had a nice 7.Fu Margotta to ruin the existence, and with it so I went with 5 debt end anno.Devo say, however, thanks to Margotta learned to study Physics (alone), perhaps because it has always fascinated me.

remember that in class there was always chaos and confusion, and it was really a lesson in a inpossibile understand anything, because noise pordotto principalemte by all.

I remember one day I hit the door to exit the class with a thrilling run really too bad that the door was behind him, Martella, who read the times printed on a sheet of paper stuck in the back, I remember his face incredulous, his red nose, my face and "oh shit, now I'm finished," I finally sent me to fuck off and then 5 year-end debt.

was a good year for only some small issues, simply because we began to seriously attend Titian, Livio, and John, were strong.

remember the engagement Marika L and Francesco Guccione was still good, so that at Easter of that year we went to the home of Guccione the "mave" as he put it.

Pioviccicò that day, pistão hands of Titian in the game "Piripicchio" Mammamia were purple and Tiz came the tears in his eyes a little bit of pain for a little pain (but laughing).

The third was tragic, however, belonging to mathematics, descriptive geometry, but Fabiola and Violeta.

I was madly in love like a crazy horse Fabiola, like a wild bull for Violeta.

The first time I saw (that I noticed) is when Fabiola had straight hair, and went through the corridor with Martha, it is also a very nice girl (on the bus all looked at her and drool).

Violeta one day I did "but you know you must be wonderful eyes"

and I said "Oh thank you," and casual andai.Coglione mene! After three days I was told by Di Perna Violeta had just put together in one, fuck.

The months went by, fuck you and sofrito, I went for it a few times in depression, but serious, I wanted to commit suicide.

Then one day I saw Fabiola, outside the entrance under the portico, looked at her intensely, she turned around, came the tragedy: Nemesis, a huge bag of shit rappuso Omar's friend (another rappuro retired a year ago) approached him, and baciò.Soffrii like a dog, a bazooka to the heart, I looked down and went back inside silent, another crisis another depression.

also part of James did not go well, già.Sin the first time he saw Isabella changed, he realized that he experienced true love, suffering, because it was not returned (I would say obvious, that is, high spotty bespectacled bushy stupid to the bone).

Isabella was Rosca, very Rosca, white, very white, I must say even better, it was also dry, short, a beautiful setting ragazza.Jacopo went in, after months and months to gnaw on strategic plans to simply talk to him, he decided it was time . devised a simple (very difficult for him) plan: go to her when she is close to the machines and ask if he has to change 10 cents (10 cents!). The day came and went there, I saw a dedicated distance, I saw him talking, then came back to me, Isabella and amca elder went away, at which point the face of changes Jacopo notevolmete expression by switching to a deeply comatose state, saying "I am an idiot .... that is .... I'm a jerk!"

I:-but why? - (Laughing)

J:-I am a retired

asshole-I: it-but why? -

J: I said "sorry you have to camiare Five ... ten cents? "-

Me: ...

J: One-ie! I know I was wrong to say 10! 10 fucking cents! I said 5! not 10! I spent an entire night studying what to say! and then nenahce me shit! half did nod his head and went! fraa! - (suffering).

After quell'accaduto, Jacopo was also learned that Marika Pavani (with whom there was something spectacular combination) had started with one and you know by whom? Francesco Guccione that mocked him so much bastard in front of many noi.Certo Guccione is not adjusted on that occasion, but at least James fucking well kiss that could also molarglielo.

spent more time Well, now gaps in mathematics and geometry had replaced the orthogonal drawings with the drawings in comics Antonio / Jacopo.Fabiola neme loved, Violeta to Aprilia, James was so desperate that he began to study for non small and short term (logical that the blame for the prof. was mine).

Everything was bad, veramente.Jacopo worsened the situation when he declared himself to Isabella, and she replied that he had already touched impegnata.Jacopo suicide.

The school year was ending, the time came in May to make a nice trip to Sicily.

We left, we sailed, arrivammo.Grazie to Sicily I found out what it means to brutto.Ricordo still drunk the night I got drunk: Livio said, "oh one controls the rum and the juice to the pear."

I:-but certainly, there I'm here, quiet-

I drank more than half the bottle of rum, in return, Livio bill me on the street, delirious, they shoot shit to spy on courses for the Corridor, it was almost midnight.

Jacopo was also drunk, along with fish and Marika PCHE followed by believing that they were shiny, to the contrary when he noticed fish (Veronica) you wanted to swim in the pool, Arri fleetingly that the mythical Ciccio save itself will bring in arm in the room, pissed on the way fish are below, from there it was renamed "Piss" or "Fish Piss" by Titian.

I coglioneggiavo meanwhile, was running at 100 km / h for the corridors, doing strange ways, I launched against the side walls, threw their shoes, I took one (I did not know) and told him that before I had a chicken and then a doctor, then I met Pavel wanted a fuck.

I ran back and found myself in the disco (attached to the hotel), I saw blue / orange and green spots, kissed in front of Mariella and I threw myself dancing while I was super iperattivo.Si did later, about 2, I went back fracico sweaty room, I found, were looking for me, Livio Giovanni Guccione and I froze, I could not move, they opened the bathroom door running to get me a cold shower but when you know who opened it found? Jacopo drunk who drank the shiampoo blue, spat it out and said, "but this sucks!" and again tragurgitare the tutto.Lo Scanzano, I was more important, someone pulled me some punch in the stomach ato did not want to stoop, lit up the cold water and I made a swift shower.

I tried again to escape but was immediately blocked by Livy and Guccione beat and kick the ass launched in letto.Mi awoke the next morning at 6 am still under the thumb of the Alcohol fumes, I'm stoned, I was still in the rum I'm not in stomaco.Questo impediii to spend a warm day of shit for the campaign while the other elder Agrigento.Difatti andavanoin first lap I was left alone with the driver (which senes fucked my condition and thought to clean his bus ) then alone, lost (really did not know where the hell I) in the campaign, including sultry, sun, crickets and grass secca.Poi saw a farm, I went, I went to the bathroom without looking at faces, threw up a little, I sciaquai face, I was nauseabondo.Tornai (I do not know how) to ' maledicenomi bus, the driver arrived and butchers who told me "but where the hell are you finished?!".

arrived in the center and load all, I was in front, alongside porf.Petrarca (which was useless jokes Antonia), who continued to see the track running under the wheels of the bus, then he turned to me and to give me a smile I said smiling, "you want to make a quantum leap?" pointing to the asphalt, the vomited on him, so, cast.

vomited for most part of the trip.

The trip to Sicily was very exciting, filled qulla tragic reality belongs to art school in Latin America.

return to Latin, was renamed by Gian Marco and Pavel as "vomit."

the fish taking the piss out of the walls also calling it "piss".

was finally promoted, with two debts, perhaps tired and disappointed, I went home, and the bus under the hot sun I said to James "oh ja, another elder years go and see you in September, hello dear"

James replied "ggià, Hello Brother, and then let you sape pé Halo Party"

(Antonio was not to know)

Perhaps this epic adventure will be printed in the memory, and here, better that way.

Another greeting from Francescooh.


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