Friday, December 5, 2008

Designs For Church Cakes

Falanghina Benevento, 2007

I seem to remember that we drank at home ...

Professional Salon Sighns

Langhe Nebbiolo, 2007

Auchan bought at a park and drank at Leonardo Ronciglione, nothing that I have to say ...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dark Colored Implantation Bleeding With Tissue

The high school last horizon

days have gone by now since I did the last exam, that orale.Sabato abbastanz morning was quiet, the examination went well and all in all I feel free.


Undercounter I received the news that will go out with 75/100, but rumor has it that the prof. the committee wants to raise the votes in all, I hope good.

After the oral exam I went to see my old class, now empty, in the end has always been a class vuota.L 'only thing I kept hearing them, it was the thin sound of the beating of James and my imitations.

So, to review, I was immediately printed the image in the face of all that were busy talking, sometimes drawing, and ultimately to speak sottovoce.Io I think I'll never forget my class ;

But above all, never forget who was inside at the Vc:

(note my position, I my eyes, what is behind me: inmate for 5 years)

Francesco I think that now you should greet, take care, good life.

MOD also greets you, for the last time, and reminds you to enjoy this hot summer.

Francescooh E? no, not him, I think.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cómo Conectarse 7.1 Creative Audigy Se

on end.

- Permit clouds weeping drops falling on wet

stumble pictures faded memories in the dense fog of my eco

thunder of my alarm clock I

and eyes tightened as files are opened warriors

seeing a real custom

lightning and tarnished the image giving way to flee the bloody bus that leaves me more . (I think ) -

I wrote a couple of months ago, when the air was still bearable and young high school artists meet down in the garden as soon as the bell sounded echoing the usual recreation, the same old recreation.

No more high school students, tomorrow already took off the weight of Latin America, the artistic, the janitors and chat.

A greeting and a wish of good luck to those who tomorrow will support the ultimate test, one of the first in this world that melts under the exhaust of a car.

that these faces remain so for always, clear and thoughtful, free, forever.

Francis, class Vc.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

How Did Andy Sixx Get His Name

was a good end, the end.

Yesterday ended formally at the Art College.

Today, ends up in full, all, everything has an end, or almost.

travel in a bus I met Anastasia, I would say that very rarely, we talked about this and that, the examinations and the dissertation, and I greeted on arrival, for the last time, hello.

So I got to old and eight to the usual route, meeting other friends, the surveyor, who had taken the bus before mio.Mi felt obliged to take some pictures, so, not so much lose them, because they too are Nettuno.Approposito, today John He made the dear age of 18, is the guy in the middle above the nose of Julian (the one with the lace), opposite Macciocchi and Fabrizio, who smokes his camel.

After that I went to do as Jesus did, the last breakfast (eccerto, breakfast, then lunch, then the last dinner, which otherwise is fine) at the bar, which is not made from milk and fish, as in his time but is / cappuccino and croissant ace / cannoli with crema.Al bar come and join me, Jacob and Martha, the Fabiola Giulia.Pago duo-breakfast with James and Martha, we go out, I'm half past eight approx. then off to art school, the way we meet Serena.

all I see when I enter, do not lose a mene / una.Arriviamo in the classroom, and in three we find that no one is beyond us, that no one will come when the rest preferred to stay at home, I love my classe.Non was not even the prof.Di Monaco, that is, but if it were not for us who wandered aimlessly in the school meets while smoked slowly a Marlboro, you miss us in calcolava.Serena President shall mean the average rating, credit points and the bla bla bla prof.Lisi.Poi go in the fourth C, the class that will receive the inheritance, nostra.Erano almost all, impressive, and even worked in painting, and on and on throughout the school, people did question the last minute to save his estate.Passa a while, the air heats up, the excitement grows in that class, so hang with the prof.Caporro (the man who said a year ago "that is, if you put a little more than Terrossa no, because if it is variegated with purple eh .."). You do make a photos, a souvenir photo.

Then, near the 11, Serena andarsene.La accompany you decide down the garden, we say goodbye, a hug, see you on the esami.Risalgo, I have lost James, who runs for school Antonio.Passo time to turn to school, to pass the finger while walk on walls, cosi.Mi forget to say goodbye for the last time the prof.Del Re.Passo fifth in D, where Titian plays guitar and Livio gives the time, John is somewhere to try one last time with some, by force, otherwise it would not be lui.Giovanni is the Neapolitan gym, all the classic muscle enough.

Then came Jacob, and many people, is the bright idea to lie down on Titian Jacopo Meks meter behind the hall with the sounds they chitarra.Lo

Tiziano So play the guitar, but a teacher. will come out of an empty class and will complain, over.Il beautiful game came after 10 minutes, the air we breathe knows water, gavettoni.Eros and Daniel, two guys in the third D (Daniel is mad electrocuted, and I say I), begin to fill balloons with water (not pee) and tirarli.Arriva and President, who s'inghazz'co'tutt'quantQuindi rentriamo in the classroom, surrounded by the armed escort we Lisi, Lisi enter and runs away, then torna.Bé cominciamoa talk to the prof., only us, we do soli.Poi a photo, a photo, even if you Lisi present at the examination.

Lisi Exit, go in the office, so he says, though James and I support the thesis of the private party in the presidency, but this is another of our history (if only we I think I tajo laughter). Here begins a series of water balloon, I go out, I lose James, Eros steal balloons, fill them, I get the old rusty and choice of emergency, I see all vedu all, I have power down ' cieli.Punto top of a case, people under the ground floor in the garden talking, so I do fire and Eros, ciafff ciafff ciafff.

say was a wild day that much water, and was beautiful, I enjoyed it ... I'm sorry all, you readers, but I think that soon I can not write anymore, because bitterness full of pathos.

Arrival at the end: in the garden were all there, we went out at 12.38, and everybody gavettonavano.Tra orgazinnate ambushes by Felix / Antonio I was hit by balloons by Eros, and then respond with a water bottle on Jacopo and Macciocchi because other data had to bravely continue my fuga.Iper fracico battaglia.Bé come forward to uscire.Per whom the bell tolls? for the Spaniards, not for us, to us it is the campanella.Eccoci here, all that out, all baganti, carers and wet all the latest felici.Si give greetings to those who do not I'll never see again.

Gonna move on to the bus, greeting Star for the last time, then we are meeting again, the boys of the school of art: me, James, Anthony, John, Livio, Felicetto; Tiziano is already gone, there beaks to examinations Tiz.Poi us decide to go to the last picture on the wall of concrete that divides the bus from the road, because there, written with a bvomboletta, there is the phrase most brilliant I have ever read.

John argues that the writing is at least 6 years, we believe, because he is running around 7 (John participated in the founding of the crossbow art school). It will later time passes and leaves nothing behind, except for the sabbia.Pian plan after one and a half, Sene will leave everyone, greeting Macciocchi that will own the bus 1 and mezzo.Poi, slowly, it's up to James, leaves also Livio lui.Và away saying "you're a cojone!" water balloon as it is without wanting to Julie (who wanted to bathe, as if I were not already). John will go away, go away Antonio, then I'll stay and Felice, who will make me company along with Julia, Marta (tuna), Fabian and Martina until 2.Ma first come fracicato by Fabiola, fell into a well-planned ambush by Marta. Of course, since I am terribly vindictive, to steal the water Giulia And I'm running for those who I have fracicare incastrato.Sarà all very beautiful, so "unreal" I feel like dire.Felice senes go, but I can not say goodbye, but sometimes we see the plan go away esami.Piano everyone greeting Giulia I do not know if I shall see, then it's up to Martin, then, finally, Fabiola.

stay I Tonna and waiting for the bus and the 2 mezza.Quindi comes, we go on the bus, the last ticket COTRAL stamp (I compratomil business that stingy Jacopo).

And then the long journey home.

Do you know which station get out? To dear old Tamoil (the name comes from the gas station), where I took the bus the first year.

The early years.

Francesco Olivieri, class Vc

Friday, June 6, 2008

Marketing Letter To Physician

Dinner at the end of art school with old comrades

As I said, today concludes the arts, the elder people go away, free to take Dianda andthe sun to the sea. I have lived today coem a day very exciting.
I took many pictures, so many, I saw those last night, the dinner at the end.
No talk of the dinner, just some pictures that speaks for itself.


ps: tomorrow.

Dried Cranberry Lysine Vs Aragaine

before the end of the fourth year in Barcelona. -1


Formally, today, ending questions, grade point averages and stupid decisions on those who
going to live to finish. Formally, let
2 shortcomings, but honestly I do not care that much.
Secretly, it was revealed that I was admitted (including class) exams.
grade point averages are not very consistent left serious doubts on the work of prof.
But this better not hear it, never hear it.
Today was a beautiful day, a hundred of them, but unfortunately I mene formally grant just one more tomorrow, then it's time for greetings and good wishes.

But first, let's talk about what was the end of fourth year:

We get to ride in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe left 10 or April 11.
We were accompanied by Di Tano, young and horny prof.Testa (I always said that the "head! Fuck!?") And the ultra prof.rimorchione and fifty who are young and dressed like us, the prof.De Simone.quando arrived at the airport we were all Happily, however, excited.

Chek-in, baggage, line, plane, shuttle, aereo.Mi sat near the window that gave the right wing, mounted on a Ryan air and 737 of partivavamo from Ciampino to a time that ranged, if I recall, between 4 and 5.
Well the fact is that was one of the first times I saw one, actually a UFO, which also saw another girl and said, "but what the hell is that? You saw?", Had disappeared in the clouds, it was a moment, replied quietly, "Yeah, I've seen."
We arrived early morning in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bit was raining a little, sky plumbeo.Riprendemmo luggage and off we went by bus to the hotel in Lloret de Mar, which is a about Oretta from Barcelona.
Well beyond that cloudy morning, the trip was sunny, almost.
What a beautiful Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJames and I split it with laughter, not to mention the gaff by Titian and Livio. In
bus trip ever saw a hotel shaped like a dick, really, James called him the hotel condom, I do not know if you Remember me.
We saw the most expensive hotel in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwe saw the festival family, visit the "MNAC" an art museum where there was everything.With guide, Raphael, who said at least six times on a simple phrase speech "In the towns of Barcelona .." then we went a couple of times on the Ramblas, Diagonal! the mega Mercatone covered! madòòò many memories, it was really nice, everything.
The square opposite the Hard Rock Cafe turned Moolto pussy, and that gnooocca, James and I were pretty stupid when they passed the groups of mega inglesotte bbona, not to mention the sensual English phrase "forgive me" who said the local girls when "accidentally" bumped the fucking raga!
visited the hard rock, it was beautiful.

visited many churches, with Titian and Jacopo went anywhere, really, we miss the narrow streets of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwith Tiziano Kefia then bought the original of that stank, stank of feed for chickens.
One day I went boldly and Titian to view the exhibition free of charge by Salvador Dali.
I opened a drawer and a sculpture by Dali, Okay, here begins another story.
We came to see the whole thing and as usual, with everyone else, we returned to the bus that was constantly driven by drivers who were assholes and complaining about everything.
We went to the giant underwater aquarium, Mammamia, I remember a unique event, I passed near the glass of a giant fish tank that contained a lot of ocean, and many sharks. Well
passing slowly approached me one of those sharks, at least 8 meters long, and looked at me with the eye, I also watched him, we looked at both, and slowly, in parallel proceed slowly, staring at me, I do not know what he thought Pescioni that, I know except that a sea of \u200b\u200bpeople began to take pictures, then the shark went away sene, perhaps because I had met one of the many sharks that prey have become predators themselves.
we left, we went back to the hotel.
made myself the next to last exit, I think, if I remember correctly, going to visit the park Guel, made by Gaudi, really bello.Poi back in town, we went into the streets and churches, leading to a square, pioviccicava.Incontrammo some guys without head, ie genes clothes Minichini without heads, we just burst in laughter, and we made myself a memorable photo

We went back to the bus, we were all met, I continually robbed and negozzietti ogi città.Però the time we returned to the hotel destroyed my feet, blisters on vesciche.La night came and we went on the beach where the sand and big waves ate fracicavano 2 idiots, Titian because he wrote too close to shore, because James wanted to take a bath with the water of nearly 10 degrees and at least 3 meters high waves, fortunately the conviction to do shit, io.A night we went dancing in a disco, a nightclub, the "hollywood" , Simplify the spettacolare.Peccato that there was an invasion made in Naples.

arrived at the hotel the day before, the Italian mammocci, but little girls stood out in the third year of Genoa very beautiful, infattoi the disco were the prey Neapolitans.

the evening, in the room, run the cinematic masterpieces that you all know. (As main actors: James and I, sound director: Livio, director: Tiziano, directed by Francis James, Titian and Livy.) Night fell The last, we went to a club, we discovered that it was a pub where he gave music mui rocckettaro buena.Conoscemmo them boys in Sicily, that they stayed in another hotel, we did say arrivarci.Ballammo like rock music, as poghammo addannati, then began to wander a bit tipsy in the company of Titian and Dorothy Livio, wandering with bottles of wine stolen dall'hote, I drank a lot and James, a lot.

For some we were alone, me and sweet, this time completely drunk, it was about 2 am and did not know where we were, indeed was tragicomic situazione.Jacopo fell continuously as he liked, so I picked it up but then went along with him, then, to be drunk, began to roam streets increasingly impervie.Ridevamo of continuity, that is trying to say something sensible, but nothing, the first word burst out laughing (and fall lands). In a way there's a guy offered to buy ERAB, do not accept that's it.

Then, in total delirium tremens conscious / unconscious, there was the idea of \u200b\u200bgoing to see the Sicilians, who were near them (maybe). I made myself do not know how the fuck you get in the room of Sicily, just remember we went to hurry looking to the serious and go unnoticed, then I remember uncerto Salvo, one of those who told us "oh but those of you ub oh raga from which I bring to your room! been unbriachi fuck eh!" pruned in the room telling us, however, not to make noise.

entered, the room lay all'nterno death Moolto bottles of liquor super hyper, I clung to one of them, James first downed another bottle then I went out on the balcony and pretended like to climb over a wall, everything assurdo.Nel chaos in stunned laughter of Sicily, we were brought into the hall, I think that the Sicilians want us to know the girls in their class, but as soon as they opened the prota entrance chamber of the latter, we were chased away, immediately, instantly.

Salvo and others said it was coming their prof. so it was better that I should go out to James and shit, they took us to the runway outside the hotel, coem2 stupid we were alone again, there, left the road at 3 and a half notte.Jacopo fell to the ground, I as well. Pi remember that both we fell to the ground in the middle of the highway, still drunk.

Then I remember that we started to come back (to return) mah) to the hotel, we thought that was the right direction, and then made myself 3 or 4 rounds of way always coming back to a point already seen, however, turns on the giri.poi 'drunkenness became heavy, state "excited" state reached before the complete Sbragia We add us to wake up, then launch our serrnade painless body against the iron of the garage, the noise deafened, and laughed.

failed (I do not know how) to return to the hotel, but first knocked down a nice kawasaki 1000, brand new, run away, we were almost there.

Latest perhaps to return at 4, there, in the warm hotel Llort de mar.Riuscimmoad get into the hall, made myself a little noise, then Amber came out of a bedroom and Dorothy, still awake, because consolation (I think .. boh) to Marika L, because of the new relationship with Gccione Riande of merda.ANche sveglia.Ricordo Arianna was just Jacob, once rrivato in the corridor, threw himself on the ground, dead, drunk and sleepy, the last phase had come, but I still do not let go of the rope.

Then I let go, then fell land and we came to help Amber, and I think Dorothy and Dorothy Arianna.Ambra lifted me up, saying "but you see these two, that is being lost, drunken fracichi" I brought in 2 in shoulder, Dorothy on the way to the room said "Brother what mortacci weights!" ggiunse and Amber "by missing a little." I do not know who brought James.

I found myself in bed, a seal light illuminated Dorothy I undid my shoes (I swear that Amber and Dorothy behaved coem if they were my two sisters, was exceptional..) He arranged Amber Jacopo.Poi remember the phrase "and mo metteteve to sleep, and not more battered balls eh, shut the porta.Jacopo slept, I I was still half awake, I still afree some shit, then taken to Jacopo pizza, for neither would wake up or feel pain.


The next morning I awoke early, had about half past five, all the dormivano.Era ultmo giorno.Ricordo that went into the hole, no one was there, then went into dining room, where there were bouffe for breakfast, I remember that I went back and looked over the large windows that looked out on a balcony, in turn, gave us a fantastic view of the sea far away from them a few hundred in all metri.Arrivò Suddenly, a seagull, grande.Era beautiful, is intrigued APPROACH to the glass, I remained motionless, I saw him approaching, the glass separava.Arrivò them there beside me and began to guardarmi.Poi began to beat her beak on the glass, as to call me, at least for 5 minutes in a row stood there, looking at me and beat beak, for fear that I might fly away, do not I set out, I stood, I was looking at him, trying to figure out what she wanted from me, from me.

Then he turned and walked to the balcony, and then indifferent, I opened my wings and fly away to the mare.Pensavo, I felt strange, davvero.Che wanted from me? END OF THE STRANGE.

I went back to the mess hall, ate in a private room for private breakfast, croissants with nutella and whipped cream, ace, cafe, spagniuli to your face.

At 8 am all awake and ready, already told you the night out with James doing casino.Con the bus headed to a town outside Lloret, always the sea.

Then, over that beautiful white sandy beach, there was the inside of citizenship, we visited a bit, then went back to bus.Non remember where we were after, but remember that at 8 o'clock we returned them, in the large airport, we left the guide, Raphael, leaving "the capacity of barcelona.

We got on the plane who were 10 or 11, back near the window, again near the wing della'ereo. We left on April 16, with the flight, the 737 Ryan Air, you see the back of the ticket here.

leave Barcelona, \u200b\u200bleft Spain, leaving the other Europe, returning to Italy, in the beautiful country, Ciampino fonda.A night and I did not see even a shadow, not a policeman, not a financier, not an audit, it was spectral Ciampino, really did feel, well, Benev in Italy!. tornamo when I finished everything in front of the Lyceum. Ah

art school, I very nearly dellartistico nostalgia, perhaps today was a beautiful day, a memorable day almost as much as 22 December, the epic 22 dicembre.Quanto time has passed.

I do not know if they'll talk about today, maybe I'll keep everything to me, man is selfish.

only know However, it will be a good end, the end.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Herpes Vs Genital Warts

recalling the fourth year of high school, that the golden comeback in the third. -2

(in photo two gay men who were fences in the fourth year, and Antonio Guccione)
The fourth year of art school was really exciting, really, because some hated the prof fuck sene went. Martella (descriptive geometry) being replaced by ultramilionaria baena prof.Picozza, and caciottaro be nice, a little bit because the layering revealed to us that it was his last year with us, then would be retired, a little because in the May c ' was the trip europa.Dall 'elder went the other hand the great prof.Antocicco (chemistry) being replaced by a teacher, a graduate (very young) in physics, chemistry and nuclear physics, was the prof.Fuoco, a tall bespectacled ugly and very hairy, but it was nice (I would almost say stupid, indeed, must be, because with all those degrees in the worst crashes into high school Latin perilous artistic).

We were still intact in the classroom, of course we lost someone from years past, but more or less we were still descendants of the "C" to dominate the class, which has now become a mixture of sections.

By the way, I forgot to say that in the third year prof.Vezzoso (a dwarf made fun of constantly by the legendary prof.d 'architecture mullet) left us abdicating the throne flame red or red light of the high school, prof.Di Tano. (flame red: indicates both its adherence to the far left (far?) is the color (dyed) hair fire red)

Vetrugno still taught us , and we were happy, I still could not get ingame it was better to study philosophy, a little to spare the figures of shit with the genius to be a bit more for me.

The lessons went well with the fire, put 6 as well if you had studied all over the world.

We were happy, really, the first 2-3 months holding the boot, then the fire left us because he realized that after all his hard-earned three degrees were worth more than the low all'ìartistico teaching, he decided so going to work in a private school.

pro.Celestino took over, an Apulian evil, frustrated veteran of other prof.universitari frustrated, and it shows.

Vetrugno fell in love with Celeste, and months later gave them to complain about the class (maybe it was true, why had not studied), was dominated by women Vetrugno chemistry with pointed roofs. (Thanks to those boobs, James did fugura a mega shit at the beginning of the first day of teaching with it, said "oh but you saw between the nipples of the prof?, you see, I stood in silence as the entire class, echoing the words on the walls, from that day the prof. parried explained by an arm of the view bowls.)

year flowed Well, we were still happy, but things were not right for someone, like the couple that broke up Marika-Guccione, then came the votacci Anthony and Arianna with vegetables followed by Lilya Hugh Coluzzi. In May

made myself gita.Domani tell the last part of the fourth year, see you all.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Free Hbo Cathouse Isabella Sorpano Vidoes

James says that I have a voice as a singer, I say that James should pull out the balls

today Tiziano read the post for the third year, today I saw Di Tano pale as a corpse, now I'm back in the car with prof.Simonetti speaking in Macera's journey and its pointless and shallow as well as stupid insegnamento.Oggi we marched the votes of people who were in class, I think
come up with 80 or more: Serena, Dorothy and James, I think. According
me out with 70-75: Laura, Marika L, Amber, Genny
I think come up with 65-69: Marika P Annalory
In my opinion I do not go out, well, we'll see.

ps: Tomorrow, the decisive hour, I hope that apple send the case well.
ps: now I have told the joke of tuna and tuna that they fall in love, in which the tuna tuna invites her home for a romantic dinner, but the tuna in the kitchen by mistake cut with a bread stick, the most beautiful girls of Art College laughs, I laugh, maybe.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why Is My Urine So Yellow

-3, past memories of the third year (the second did not remember it)

When the fat old sun sets in the sky

The last light of day disappears

comes the big blind

And you're there, lying in your bed

not make noise

lift your feet off the

bed and if you listen when night falls hot this summer

a distant voice sings a song for me that you love

because that song is me.

apartment today that almost 12 die of heart attacks, because a nice long chat with Fabiola, which is now really over belonging, belonging to all, I see almost time to finish to suffer.

The second year of high school artists was sterile and somewhat fast, it was the fleeting passage, and still held the tutto.La much crap was the third year, quest'annno really changed us radically to me and to James.

comedian to say that the third was the year of change because they chose to stay in the address in the address and then complete the sutdi: pittura.Perché chose?

Because even James decided cosi.Ero stupid, hyperactive, James did what he was doing it too, maybe because I had finally found a friendly person who knew how to fuck my way and always make time to laugh ridere.Stavamo James and I, always.

Third lost materials as stupid biology (prof.Ferrarese, an idiot with a bang) right (prof.Faiola, an H-bomb in a figurative sense) and disciplines plastics (prof.Ciccareli, an old bastard). Then took over subjects such as philosophy (prof.Vetrugno), chemistry (prof.Antocicco)

and descriptive geometry (prof.Martella).

Now Vetrugno (medium height, bald, face unspeakable) was a genius, really, but sbagliai not to follow his lessons, not to study the matter that was beautiful ancient philosophy, abagliai, intrigues and realized only too late, when at the end of the quarter sostituirono.Vetrugno was really a genius, I remember his speech pugliese-sardo/siciliana was a tajo that being. bursting with vitality and virility, see for example the lack of knickers continues under the jeans, you could see the balls that was a beauty, I still remember the laughter that we used in class others.

A chemical Antocicco took over, a tall bespectacled little hair and serious, or at least so we thought it was the first tempi.Antocicco you find a good teacher is able to create a good Raport between himself and the students, thanks to the ingenious explanations which nobody understood, of course it was all said is a repetition of the wording, PEO was fine cosi.Poi explanations of moles and molecules or oxoacids acids were replaced with examples of bologna sandwiches or sweets, bah.

A descriptive geometry took over a Martella.Capimmo outset that it was a big prick, unable to explain, unable to capire.Questa kind of super-mario with breath that reeked of shit (not really a joke was shit) no one had 6, or the few they had some help though with the same (driven by old acquaintances dates). Maybe I went unpleasant, it is a fact that reminded me always, always yelling, always say "but is not possible! " or "eehhhh! So What !!?". face fuck, he contributed to my downfall.

A mathematics teacher took over a new, old and decrepit and napoletana.Era and stubborn bitch / shit prof.Margotta.Bassa, fuck face, saying "I'm the bitch" in Braille in fronte.Sempre a tease, always call me, because James was the darling of the class and I was his faithful companion that I was always taken in bad nadava chest accadesse.Andavo anything wrong with math, a little bit because I hated her already even though the first year with the prof.Palmieri I had a nice 7.Fu Margotta to ruin the existence, and with it so I went with 5 debt end anno.Devo say, however, thanks to Margotta learned to study Physics (alone), perhaps because it has always fascinated me.

remember that in class there was always chaos and confusion, and it was really a lesson in a inpossibile understand anything, because noise pordotto principalemte by all.

I remember one day I hit the door to exit the class with a thrilling run really too bad that the door was behind him, Martella, who read the times printed on a sheet of paper stuck in the back, I remember his face incredulous, his red nose, my face and "oh shit, now I'm finished," I finally sent me to fuck off and then 5 year-end debt.

was a good year for only some small issues, simply because we began to seriously attend Titian, Livio, and John, were strong.

remember the engagement Marika L and Francesco Guccione was still good, so that at Easter of that year we went to the home of Guccione the "mave" as he put it.

Pioviccicò that day, pistão hands of Titian in the game "Piripicchio" Mammamia were purple and Tiz came the tears in his eyes a little bit of pain for a little pain (but laughing).

The third was tragic, however, belonging to mathematics, descriptive geometry, but Fabiola and Violeta.

I was madly in love like a crazy horse Fabiola, like a wild bull for Violeta.

The first time I saw (that I noticed) is when Fabiola had straight hair, and went through the corridor with Martha, it is also a very nice girl (on the bus all looked at her and drool).

Violeta one day I did "but you know you must be wonderful eyes"

and I said "Oh thank you," and casual andai.Coglione mene! After three days I was told by Di Perna Violeta had just put together in one, fuck.

The months went by, fuck you and sofrito, I went for it a few times in depression, but serious, I wanted to commit suicide.

Then one day I saw Fabiola, outside the entrance under the portico, looked at her intensely, she turned around, came the tragedy: Nemesis, a huge bag of shit rappuso Omar's friend (another rappuro retired a year ago) approached him, and baciò.Soffrii like a dog, a bazooka to the heart, I looked down and went back inside silent, another crisis another depression.

also part of James did not go well, già.Sin the first time he saw Isabella changed, he realized that he experienced true love, suffering, because it was not returned (I would say obvious, that is, high spotty bespectacled bushy stupid to the bone).

Isabella was Rosca, very Rosca, white, very white, I must say even better, it was also dry, short, a beautiful setting ragazza.Jacopo went in, after months and months to gnaw on strategic plans to simply talk to him, he decided it was time . devised a simple (very difficult for him) plan: go to her when she is close to the machines and ask if he has to change 10 cents (10 cents!). The day came and went there, I saw a dedicated distance, I saw him talking, then came back to me, Isabella and amca elder went away, at which point the face of changes Jacopo notevolmete expression by switching to a deeply comatose state, saying "I am an idiot .... that is .... I'm a jerk!"

I:-but why? - (Laughing)

J:-I am a retired

asshole-I: it-but why? -

J: I said "sorry you have to camiare Five ... ten cents? "-

Me: ...

J: One-ie! I know I was wrong to say 10! 10 fucking cents! I said 5! not 10! I spent an entire night studying what to say! and then nenahce me shit! half did nod his head and went! fraa! - (suffering).

After quell'accaduto, Jacopo was also learned that Marika Pavani (with whom there was something spectacular combination) had started with one and you know by whom? Francesco Guccione that mocked him so much bastard in front of many noi.Certo Guccione is not adjusted on that occasion, but at least James fucking well kiss that could also molarglielo.

spent more time Well, now gaps in mathematics and geometry had replaced the orthogonal drawings with the drawings in comics Antonio / Jacopo.Fabiola neme loved, Violeta to Aprilia, James was so desperate that he began to study for non small and short term (logical that the blame for the prof. was mine).

Everything was bad, veramente.Jacopo worsened the situation when he declared himself to Isabella, and she replied that he had already touched impegnata.Jacopo suicide.

The school year was ending, the time came in May to make a nice trip to Sicily.

We left, we sailed, arrivammo.Grazie to Sicily I found out what it means to brutto.Ricordo still drunk the night I got drunk: Livio said, "oh one controls the rum and the juice to the pear."

I:-but certainly, there I'm here, quiet-

I drank more than half the bottle of rum, in return, Livio bill me on the street, delirious, they shoot shit to spy on courses for the Corridor, it was almost midnight.

Jacopo was also drunk, along with fish and Marika PCHE followed by believing that they were shiny, to the contrary when he noticed fish (Veronica) you wanted to swim in the pool, Arri fleetingly that the mythical Ciccio save itself will bring in arm in the room, pissed on the way fish are below, from there it was renamed "Piss" or "Fish Piss" by Titian.

I coglioneggiavo meanwhile, was running at 100 km / h for the corridors, doing strange ways, I launched against the side walls, threw their shoes, I took one (I did not know) and told him that before I had a chicken and then a doctor, then I met Pavel wanted a fuck.

I ran back and found myself in the disco (attached to the hotel), I saw blue / orange and green spots, kissed in front of Mariella and I threw myself dancing while I was super iperattivo.Si did later, about 2, I went back fracico sweaty room, I found, were looking for me, Livio Giovanni Guccione and I froze, I could not move, they opened the bathroom door running to get me a cold shower but when you know who opened it found? Jacopo drunk who drank the shiampoo blue, spat it out and said, "but this sucks!" and again tragurgitare the tutto.Lo Scanzano, I was more important, someone pulled me some punch in the stomach ato did not want to stoop, lit up the cold water and I made a swift shower.

I tried again to escape but was immediately blocked by Livy and Guccione beat and kick the ass launched in letto.Mi awoke the next morning at 6 am still under the thumb of the Alcohol fumes, I'm stoned, I was still in the rum I'm not in stomaco.Questo impediii to spend a warm day of shit for the campaign while the other elder Agrigento.Difatti andavanoin first lap I was left alone with the driver (which senes fucked my condition and thought to clean his bus ) then alone, lost (really did not know where the hell I) in the campaign, including sultry, sun, crickets and grass secca.Poi saw a farm, I went, I went to the bathroom without looking at faces, threw up a little, I sciaquai face, I was nauseabondo.Tornai (I do not know how) to ' maledicenomi bus, the driver arrived and butchers who told me "but where the hell are you finished?!".

arrived in the center and load all, I was in front, alongside porf.Petrarca (which was useless jokes Antonia), who continued to see the track running under the wheels of the bus, then he turned to me and to give me a smile I said smiling, "you want to make a quantum leap?" pointing to the asphalt, the vomited on him, so, cast.

vomited for most part of the trip.

The trip to Sicily was very exciting, filled qulla tragic reality belongs to art school in Latin America.

return to Latin, was renamed by Gian Marco and Pavel as "vomit."

the fish taking the piss out of the walls also calling it "piss".

was finally promoted, with two debts, perhaps tired and disappointed, I went home, and the bus under the hot sun I said to James "oh ja, another elder years go and see you in September, hello dear"

James replied "ggià, Hello Brother, and then let you sape pé Halo Party"

(Antonio was not to know)

Perhaps this epic adventure will be printed in the memory, and here, better that way.

Another greeting from Francescooh.

Monday, June 2, 2008

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I had written a beautiful post about the end of the second year and all the third year, but went off the current, then I will write again tomorrow.

Today day past entirely at home to study Italian, or nearly so.
But browsing through the old diary of the third year look look what I found, I wrote a cock type:
- "and if I kill myself?"
short writings developed during a nervous breakdown and deep hysteria non-curable due to a number of thoughts and behavior of others come out of a poor head of logs ... what if I killed him with a crossbow? Who will cry? who kill x follow my life? (except for Perna, none). All this is written on the PC at home on this great treatise: "balls "!----------- the treaty is filed for healing .-
But there rediamo account of how I was then? mammamia.Peccato that the work "fuck" has been lost, it really was tragicomic.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

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-5 -4 pieces of Bronze Statues

Morning, 8 am, someone wakes me up, but it is not my mother fucking vacuum cleaner on the ball, but my cousin Silvia (if I remember a post long time ago , is called type "photos of the famous porn actor ..", you will see them my cousin).
It offers me to go to Sabaudia, the sea, along with two other friends.
And I do, in the name of the study? Mene fuck and flee from the sad reality of a study to be illusory.
Apart from the trip that lasts for one hour due to traffic well, we can get on the road to market, to park and take Dindarella tanda. (I'm all tanned, you could switch me for a negro). After lunch I take the role of Nigerian shiatsu massage. (Nigerians are evil?)
Then sun sun and more sun (including James), so that the women take off their bras.
Overall, the day was very exciting, especially when coated with oil nude women.
Well now I'm here at home, shower with cold sores on the bales, similar to chestnuts.
(roast chestnuts are the wounds?)
Theoretically I should study Italian (from Montale to neo realism) on Tuesday, but this was postponed until tomorrow.

exams are close and you're too far away.

Raga go away I need to antara state in the game you ffetere pasepall Neptune S.marino, goodbye.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Best Of Stomach Sitting

-6 (drown the memory in the memories of the first year of Liceo artistico)

Well now there is not much to say, I just know that beauty comes at the end, perhaps.
In the first year I was a hyperactive little boy back from the eighth grade, lived between chaos and chaos.
I remember that when you start high school, I was never stopped, I was not ever shut up, no study is the first vote of conduct of the first semester of the first year was 6.
remember that the first time I saw Marika Pavani enamored mene (I have to write), indeed, indeed I did. Elena
remember that the coach asked me to put together, but I like a good kid, I pretended to music with headphones ascolatre well plugged into your ears and look contunuai Gadhai or Fadhaidi or Gaddafi or how the fuck it was called the friend who named his worst could not put it to him. Elisa
remember! Yeah, about me always wanted to kiss, or was I always wanting to kiss, well is the fact that once, I took over a classroom of disciplines plastic table (when we had the prof.Ciccarelli) and began to sl kiss her neck, so to bad luck would have it within that cazzeggiare.La burino Di Cicco, and I drove out of the classroom screaming while Elisa put a note on the register. I remember the trio
doganellese: Deborah, Elisa and Simona Calvano.Poi their friendship has gone to hell the other years, even if Elisa had already withdrawn from a pezzo.Con Simona I've always laughed and recalled the golden moments in the past school, with Debora I've always argued, perhaps because she is too prepervenuta on any one thing and I told him I know.
remember that James was really bad, Mammamia, with the foremen in fractured giant hedge model, glasses and pimples, a brain of an idiot who pissed in continuous lines.
remember Anthony, who also pissing jokes, but they never did laugh, because no one is comprised of bar itself is the language used (a kind of sciaquone speaking).
remember Francesco Guccione (the first vlta who said "I come from Aprilia" we all understood each other "I come daaPuglia" bah), which first began with Giorgia Marika Elena then then then then Marika Elena then another and then again with the world ... and if you try to tell him something he'll respond (still does) "yeah baby rok'n'roll" that was transformed (because of Evve fly) in "yeah baby vok'n'v'voll" pathetic when one remembers also his other sentence "is all a business" (even says it).
remember John, I saw him only rarely, long curly brown hair, pumped, mold Naples, he never spoke.
remember QUL fucking corridor through it in less than 5 seconds as I ran, dodging old rappusi founders of the school, so remember to cite a few names and places such as "Spoke" (a midget with dreadlocks, is still alive I saw him 4 or 5 weeks ago out of high school, amazing when you consider that I tell you all this when I attended the first year), or the mythical "Shok" who took my own bus, and it was nice, and then "Speed", an emeritus idiot who still lives! ie they are at least 9 years who lives near the High School! absurd!.
I remember many things, I remember Angela! First day of school that I know when I snubbed Vole sela and pulled (it was the third or second year) in front of other friends, what a great chick, how many things I would be told with it .. Viviana
remember, I remember Frank Priore call from me and James as "Jabba," was the same cock, takes the trick, he was, the galactic mafia.
remember that the first years were managed by Giliberti and Fauttilli, the head count for nothing.
remember much, that those beautiful moments, the first year flew away, flew those musty windows and rusty we areavano life until a few years ago.
First I met the majority of people still have such close friends, people of the Institute Sani (surveyor), the classic of the language ... and I was on the bus with Roseanne Silvia, Veronica, Elena and Deborah the Milanese.
The first girl that I was officially Rebecca, a 18 year old who was about to finish high school to fuck the guy who stopped to make out who? a guy down, stupid and ugly (and perpetually wearing a red hat), I, said I was nice and carino.Ci make out like two animals in the bathroom of disciplines plastic, a very dirty, you could really call "process." I went all the recreation and horny turgino back from a huge snog, enters the classroom and saw prof.Bianco (English ) that was explaining a something, I do not say anything. (very strange, since she was the "shot in the legs because you doveyte me to make you put 6"). Then I left after 2 month or so (as I was deficient, I to laugh) because I supported the thesis that I put the horns with the former (a twenty year old) especially when they met with the coach, who retired fool I was, thinking it was one of the girls high school chicks. (And was with me). Guccione
remember that we saw enter the bathroom saying "ouch understand the Olive ehh, well done .." Arianna
remember as a girl who was perpetually stuck at Sara Ceci, that misfortune.
prof.Nati remember that he still teaches, but not to us, as a man from heading down to Donald, James and I argued that it had a long metallic pea able to stretch and kill people, the idea came to us when I looked at the ass Violeta (Argentina really nice girl and I liked that at the time of a sudden, well even now I like it, not hide it more) and I said "oh Ja, tie, look at the Terminator, so certain that an ass you end eh "(I told him exactly like that, still remember it).
Well the first year was very exciting in Indeed, much in the past.
was very good at biology and I was 7 in math.
It ended the year with a phrase like "oh Ja (I always addressed to James, Antonia not to risk it on to him to say a joke that was neither understood nor did laugh at that), but you think about it when we finished everything eh, but we think? mammaia, ie in the fifth year goodbye .. "

Goodbye, goodbye all in the fifth year, all are lost as the leaves fall from the tree, a little here, a little there, pulled away by the wind tossed pushed by the flow ... the flow back.


Friday, May 30, 2008

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- 7

-Denique, quotienscumque petisti me, for me tibi obstiti, mitate rei publicae they coniunctam-

Already, the Republic is that you assalalisti publications and free, protected by thy God, sure of your success, pale cold calculator capable of anything, Giulio.
Giulio Andreotti fù undisputed leader Licio Gelli, Licio Gelli, believed by many (authoritative characters) as the head of the Lodge P2.Salvo Lima as a collaborator of Andreotti, 1972 already talked about the future Andreotti, Silvio Berlusconi, who tried to buy the newspaper "Republica".
But what are we talking about, the truth is there, the truth denounced Falcone, Borsellino denounced the report as Labor has reported an hour ago a guy who is from Palermo, the DC did massacres, because the DC Giulio Andreotti.La P2 is made massacres and crimes daunting task, because the P2 is Giulio Andreotti.La mafia did massacres and crimes carried out because it was Giulio Andreotti to give him this opportunity. But now
Andreotti "dixit" is past is past as the man who did justice to a gun, pass the time, is rooted even more in the habit, the habit of being supported by the routine that kept us all in all feel good in our peak and selfish world of cazzo.Ci tried to overthrow the habit, but many have failed already in this business.


forced task of philosophy today, today, another day near the end.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Acepromazine Dogs Expiration

-Tamen and non potes unum diem Carere-
True, I can not separate myself from you one day, you're a strawberry, always dress in red, red blinding fiery passion, that Mammamia eyes that look, how much beauty.
And I see you always walking in the damn monotonous and white corridor.
Perhaps today was a day davero anxious, a little bit for a while and Fabiola Jacob.
Tired and bored by the useless hours of painting, especially with Natilli, I wrap the dean and turns of phrase gaining an exit permit free from that gloomy prison absurd.
Livio's post on the 5 years of high school art is looking really am, honors and bows to Livio.
Well today I made of crap, I danced smooth with a pseudo prof.Giliberti the corridor (pathetic), I walked in the vertical (head down) for the corridor (pathetic), I have composed Jaocpo and telephone number of the principal to give him a fake fart as soon as he responded, but nothing, I shoved a black bag on his head.
Well, tomorrow the first and last task of philosophy of Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kant hatred.


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Images Of Fingers Bitten Nails

-8 -9 and then? 25 YEARS OF

-Nam illud non-INTELLEGO
why Why have declined to take written tests in the last week before the end? Today
task of physics, the cloning in a fucking book under the counter, that is under the chair, flip through the pages to star.Spero well.
Worries worries, tomorrow Italian-English; m giàho alerted the Italian teacher who all'interrogaciòn Vieng tomorrow, because I have to take half the other chat program, inglese.Approposito of English, prof.muratore is 50 years old but has an ass speaking.
Too bad he's everything to fade, or maybe in my sick caso.Oscillo from happy to sad semi unhappy prospect of thinking, be open spring farts bollato.Nel Meanwhile in the corridors and routes continued undaunted in class suddenly saying "but who was !? "
I am doing job application, addiii.
